Bruwer, M., Yazbeck, B. & Cuskelly, M. (2017, May). “Lights, Camera And... Action”. Librarians as Simulated Patients: A New Frontier for Student Skills Development . Poster presented at the 2017 Medical Library Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
Objectives: Skills development and training is an
integral part of the medical librarian’s role. This poster describes a
recent foray into professional communication skills development where
librarians in collaboration with their learning skills counterparts act
as simulated patients in the Bachelor of Pharmacy. This presents an
opportunity for librarians and learning skills advisers to be recognised
for their professional competencies, including interpersonal and
communication skills that contribute to the development of graduate
employability skills. Our goal is to equip students with the
interpersonal skills required for patient-focused communication that
employers value in pharmacy graduates.
2011, the Faculty of Pharmacy at Monash University introduced Objective
Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) into a second year core unit.
OSCEs are performance based assessments that test students’
interpersonal skills and clinical knowledge in presenting them with a
short clinical scenario. This involved the use of simulated patients to
develop and assess interpersonal and communication skills.
our small Library team made up of librarians and learning skills
advisers, was approached to participate in TOSCEs (Teaching OSCEs) as
observers. Our input was well-received, as simulations are known to be
resource intensive, requiring staffing and time. Since then, our role
has expanded to include teaching in TOSCEs as well as acting as
simulated patients in workshops throughout the semester and in the
exams. Acting as a simulated patient involves using a script and prompts
to simulate a real-life interaction between a pharmacist and a patient
in a community or clinical setting. This also includes interprofessional
communications between pharmacists and other health professionals such
as general practitioners.
collaboration between faculty and library has resulted in increased
engagement in the curriculum, spanning across the whole degree. As a
result, we now find ourselves partnering with content specialists to
teach, deliver and assess patient-focused communication skills to first
year, second year and third year undergraduate students. This new role
has been very successful ensuring our continued involvement and
expansion into new curriculum to be introduced this year (M.Pharm).
novel approach of engaging librarians and learning skills advisers in
the curriculum acknowledges our professional competencies, and offers
new opportunities for medical librarians to partner with faculty in
preparing and developing work-ready pharmacists.