Linda Henderson
Senior Lecturer Early Years (Early childhood education)
Monash University, Clayton, Australia
- Henderson, L. ( in press, 2018). Shifting sands: Writing across time. In S. Riddle, D. Bright & E. Honan (Eds.), Writing with Deleuze in the Academy: Creating Monster, (pp. 138-155). New York: Springer.
- Henderson, L., & Black, A. (2018). Splitting the world open: Writing stories of mourning and loss. Qualitative Inquiry, 24(4) 260-269. DOI: 10/1177/107780041772858
- Henderson, L. (2018). I am the compliant academic. In A. Black & S. Garvis (Eds.), Women activating agency in academia: Metaphors, manifestos and memoir (pp.185-201). Milton Park, Oxon: Routledge.
- Nuttall, J., Thomas, L., & Henderson, L. (2018). Formative interventions in leadership development in early childhood education. The potential of double stimulation. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 16(1), 80-91. DOI: 10.1177/147618X16664555
- Henderson, L. (2017). ‘But that wasn’t enough’: Exploring affective assemblages within a professional relationship. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 38(4), 1-14. DOI: 10.1080/01596306.2015.1105792
- Henderson, L. (2017). Someone had to have faith in them as professionals: An evaluation of an action research project to develop educational leadership across the early years. Educational Action Research, 25(3), 387-401. DOI: 10.1080/09650792.2016.1173566
- Loch, S., Henderson, L., & Honan, E. (2017). The joy of writingassemblage. In S. Riddle, M. Harmes & P. Dunaher (Eds.), Producing Pleasure within the contemporary university. (pp. 65 – 79). Netherlands: Sense Publishers.