Monash University

Gerard Ingham


I am a rural GP with a research interest in vocational GP education


  • Adding random case analysis to direct observation (ARCADO) - Updating the external clinical teaching visit to improve general practice registrar assessments.
  • ARCADO - Adding random case analysis to direct observation in workplace-based formative assessment of general practice registrars.
  • Towards an educational continuing professional development (EdCPD) curriculum for Australian general practice supervisors.
  • Avoiding 'consultation interruptus' - a model for the daily supervision and teaching of general practice registrars.
  • A blended supervision model in Australian general practice training.
  • Why and how do general practitioners teach? An exploration of the motivations and experiences of rural Australian general practitioner supervisors.
  • Torsade de pointes associated with perhexiline maleate therapy.
  • Are GP supervisors confident they can assess registrar competence and safety, and what methods do they use?
  • Clinical supervision using random case analysis in general practice training.
  • GP supervisors--an investigation into their motivations and teaching activities.
  • Random case analysis - a new framework for Australian general practice training.
  • Getting good help: a guide for reflection, debriefing and feedback conversations about in-consultation supervision
  • Flags for seeking help: making supervisor expectations of general practice trainee help-seeking explicit
  • GP supervisors in Australia: a cornerstone in need of repair
  • Tell me if there is a problem: safety in early general practice training
  • Should I stay or should I go? Observation post-vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic and the law of unintended consequences
  • Using organisational role theory and job analysis to identify and define the roles of an effective Australian general practice supervisor
  • A ‘call for help’ list for Australian general practice registrars
  • Good help: a model for providing in-consultation supervision of general practice trainees
  • Closer supervision in Australian general practice training: planning major system change
  • Joint Report for the National GP Supervisor Professional Development Curriculum Project and the GP Supervisor Professional Development Framework Project

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Timothy Clement

Timothy Clement

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