This research project investigates the Graeco-Roman cartonnage manufacture at Ismant al-Kharab, ancient Kellis in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt, and identifies local traits and features in the decoration, as an expression of the regional tradition. It further compares the material (i.e. mummy masks, foot-cases, and full body covers) with that from neighbouring areas of the Western Desert. The adoption of innovative elements in the research enabled me to identify and isolate techniques and motifs that characterise different artisan productions at Kellis. The survey and the comparison of archaeological data with the antiquities market raised issues of cultural heritage preservation and protection by establishing that a number of tombs at Kellis were looted in recent times.
Principal supervisor
Colin Hope
Additional supervisor 1
Gillian Bowen
Year of Award
Department, School or Centre
School of Philosophical, Historical & International Studies