Monash University

Queer Young People in Australia: Insights from the 2021 Australian Youth Barometer

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Version 2 2023-03-14, 00:43
Version 1 2022-05-26, 01:01
posted on 2023-03-14, 00:43 authored by Monash Centre for Youth Policy and Education Practice (CYPEP)Monash Centre for Youth Policy and Education Practice (CYPEP), Blake CutlerBlake Cutler, Beatriz Gallo CordobaBeatriz Gallo Cordoba, Lucas WalshLucas Walsh, masha mikola, Cathy WaiteCathy Waite

The experiences and realities of queer young Australians are often topics of incredibly public and political discussions. This paper presents a deep dive into these experiences by drawing on data from the 2021 Australian Youth Barometer. Just over one in five young people who participated in the Youth Barometer self-identified as a member of the queer community. 

Their responses provide us with insight into the strengths of queer young people and the disproportionate challenges they face in contemporary Australian society. Queer young people can have markedly different experiences of belonging and inclusion in their education. Too many young people face barriers to queer-friendly health and mental health support. This paper aims to stimulate action and recommends practical evidence-based actions that educators, policy makers and allies of the queer community can take to build thriving communities for every young Australian. 
