Student choice and higher-order thinking: using a novel flexible assessment regime combined with critical thinking activities to encourage the development of higher-order thinking
Flexibility in assessment is usually achieved by giving students choice over the assessment weighting, type or
format, the timing, the criteria, or the overall assessment result. This study, however, demonstrates the
development of a flexible assessment regime where students were given the choice to invest in within-semester
tasks designed to encourage the development of higher order thinking skills. This was accomplished by
incorporating two compulsory summative assessments and two optional tasks focused on the process of
learning. Students could choose whether to invest extra time to complete all four tasks, or to concentrate their
effort only on the compulsory assessments. Evaluation of the flexible assessment regime was conducted using
a survey incorporating quantitative and qualitative questions. The data showed that students came to value the
flexible assessment regime by the end of the semester. Qualitative responses indicated students thought they
had developed their higher order thinking skills, but were unaware of how these skills were of benefit in their
disciplinary context. A follow-up interview study was conducted to further understand students’ responses.
These discussions indicated that students thought the assessment options allowed them to scaffold their
learning throughout the semester, reduced overall student stress, and encouraged the development of higher
order thinking skills. This study therefore demonstrates that flexibility in assessment allows students to take a
proactive role in their learning. When combined with activities designed to develop critical thinking, this
assessment strategy can be effective in developing higher order thinking skills.