Monash University

Il prestito degli e-book nell'esperienza della "Lazzerini" di Prato - Library Case Study

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-06-15, 03:40 authored by Carlo Rindi NuzzoloCarlo Rindi Nuzzolo
Prestito di e-reader: considerazioni tecniche
In: Il prestito degli e-book nell'esperienza della "Lazzerini" di Prato, Biblioteche Oggi, 2012
Elena Boretti, Alessandra Bigini, Carlo Rindi

These three peer-reviewed journal articles describe a pioneering experience on e-books carried on by Prato Public Library (in Tuscany). The Library has started to lend to its public some devices (with number of downloaded texts) and, then, has sent out a questionnaire to check the interest of the users. The results of this survey are here described and discussed.


Regional Government of Tuscany (Florence)

Council of Prato (Tuscany)
