Monash University
Zagreb CECE7 2015, Programme 13-05-2015, final version.pdf (113.12 kB)
CECE7 - Abstracts v 13.3.2015.pdf (427.44 kB)
CECE 7.pdf (472.13 kB)
The Nizzoli Project Outcomes_Rindi Nuzzolo.xlsx (9.42 kB)
4 files

European Conference of Egyptologists VII (Zagreb, Croatia, 2015)

posted on 2019-05-15, 01:50 authored by Carlo Rindi NuzzoloCarlo Rindi Nuzzolo, Irene GuidottiIrene Guidotti
Perspectives of Research

The Seventh Central European Conference of Egyptologists. Egypt 2015: Perspectives of Research (CECE7) was held at the University of Zagreb in Croatia in 2015. It was co-organised by two scholarly institutions: the Department of History at the Centre for Croatian Studies of the University of Zagreb, Croatia (Dr Mladen Tomorad), and the Department of Ancient Cultures of the Pułtusk Academy of Humanities in Pułtusk, Poland (Dr Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska).

Presented paper: Eight Years Following the Traces of Giuseppe and Amalia Nizzoli: Preliminary Results of the Nizzoli Project

The Chancellor of the Austrian Consulate in Egypt, Giuseppe Nizzoli, and his wife Amalia Sola represent two prominent personalities who contributed much to the history of Egyptology: they sold a remarkable number of Egyptian collections and left an important book of memories of those years in Egypt. Nevertheless, they are frequently neglected in Egyptological studies and several aspects of their lives are still unclear. In 2008, the present authors started a long-term project to re-investigate of these two personalities, following their footsteps through Italy as well as across Europe.

The paper presented the preliminary results of the Nizzoli Project, providing information concerning professional and private lives of Giuseppe and Amalia.


The Nizzoli Project
