Monash University

A digital story about museums, arts and wellbeing

Version 4 2018-09-07, 03:54
Version 3 2018-09-07, 03:49
Version 2 2018-09-05, 00:44
Version 1 2018-09-04, 04:03
posted on 2018-09-07, 03:54 authored by Geraldine BurkeGeraldine Burke, Justen O'ConnorJusten O'Connor, Laura AlfreyLaura Alfrey, Clare HallClare Hall
A digital story of an intergenerational wellbeing program involving U3A, Kananook Primary Schoool, Museums Victoria and Monash University.

Burke, G., Hall, C., O'Connor, J., Alfrey, L., Hardie, S. and Price, A. (2018). A digital story about museums, arts and wellbeing. 10.26180/5b8dfa852fcf1


Robert Blackwood Seed Grant Scheme
