1 Setup, Data, Packages

if (Sys.info()[["user"]] == "jwile") {
  loc.data <- "g:/My Drive/CBTI+Light project/Recruitment and data collection/"
} else {
  loc.data <- "/Volumes/GoogleDrive/My Drive/CBTI+Light project/Recruitment and data collection/"

## graphics packages

## tools and miscellaneous packages
## Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'lme4':
##   method                          from
##   cooks.distance.influence.merMod car 
##   influence.merMod                car 
##   dfbeta.influence.merMod         car 
##   dfbetas.influence.merMod        car
## data related packages
## Attaching package: 'data.table'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:reshape2':
##     dcast, melt
## modelling packages
## Version:  0.8
## We work hard to write this free software. Please help us get credit by citing: 
## Hallquist, M. N. & Wiley, J. F. (2018). MplusAutomation: An R Package for Facilitating Large-Scale Latent Variable Analyses in Mplus. Structural Equation Modeling, 25, 621-638. doi: 10.1080/10705511.2017.1402334.
## -- see citation("MplusAutomation").
## Attaching package: 'MplusAutomation'
## The following object is masked from 'package:JWileymisc':
##     cd
Sys.setenv(TZ = "Australia/Melbourne")

SEback <- function(x) 100 - ((100 - x)^2)

d.all <- readRDS(file.path(loc.data, "Data", "SleepWell_Surveys.RDS"))
## create stratification factors
d.all[, dcond := as.integer(condition == "CBT+")]

d.all[, dstrat2 := as.integer(baseline_isi_high == "ISI <= 7" & baseline_stage_high == "Stage >= 3")]
d.all[, dstrat4 := as.integer(baseline_isi_high == "ISI >= 8" & baseline_stage_high == "Stage >= 3")]

## select only initially high stage (>= 3) cancer at screening
## note that this means we cannot use dstrat1 or dstrat3
## as those only occur in women with stage 1 or 2
d.all <- d.all[baseline_stage_high == "Stage >= 3"]

## sleep data
d.sleep <- readRDS(file.path(loc.data, "Data", "SleepWell_Sleep.RDS"))

## merge survey and sleep data
## only take women in the second dataset, those with high screening ISI
d.all2 <- merge(
  d.all[Survey == "Baseline"],
  by = "ID",

## weighted.mean(c(1, 4, 2, 5), w = c(.3, .2, .25, .25))
## check that weight the differences relative to first by weights matches
## 1 + 3 * .2 + 1 * .25 + 4 * .25

mcsetup <- "
  mtau1 mtau2 mtau3 mtau4
  mcbt1 mcbt2 mcbt3 mcbt4
  mdif1 mdif2 mdif3 mdif4
  bd1 bd2 bd3 bd4
  s1cbt s2cbt);
  adjref = rm1 + i3 * %0.4f;
  mtau1 = adjref + rm2 * 0   + rm3 * 0;
  mtau2 = adjref + rm2 * 0.5 + rm3 * 0;
  mtau3 = adjref + rm2 * 1   + rm3 * 0;
  mtau4 = adjref + rm2 * 1   + rm3 * 1;

  mcbt1 = (adjref) + (rm2 + s4) * 0   + (rm3 + s24) * 0;
  mcbt2 = (adjref) + (rm2 + s4) * 0.5 + (rm3 + s24) * 0;
  mcbt3 = (adjref) + (rm2 + s4) * 1   + (rm3 + s24) * 0;
  mcbt4 = (adjref) + (rm2 + s4) * 1   + (rm3 + s24) * 1;

  mdif1 = mcbt1 - mtau1;
  mdif2 = mcbt2 - mtau2;
  mdif3 = mcbt3 - mtau3;
  mdif4 = mcbt4 - mtau4;

  bd1 = mdif1 / sqrt(rv1 + resvar);
  bd2 = mdif2 / sqrt(rv1 + resvar);
  bd3 = mdif3 / sqrt(rv1 + resvar);
  bd4 = mdif4 / sqrt(rv1 + resvar);

  s1cbt = rm2 + s4;
  s2cbt = rm3 + s24;

  rv1 > .001;
  rv2 > .001;
  rv3 > .001;

2 Insomnia Symptoms

isidat <- copy(reshape(d.all[, .(
  ID, dcond, dstrat4, ISI_Total, Survey)],
        v.names = "ISI_Total",
        timevar = "Survey",
        idvar = c("ID", "dcond", "dstrat4"),
        direction = "wide"))
setnames(isidat, names(isidat),
         c("id", "dcond", "dstrat4",
           "ISI0", "ISI1", "ISI2", "ISI3", "ISI4"))
isidat <- isidat[!is.na(ISI1) | !is.na(ISI2) | !is.na(ISI3) | !is.na(ISI4)]

isifit <- mplusModeler(mplusObject(
  TITLE = "Primary ISI Analysis;",
  MODEL = "
  [ISI1 - ISI4@0]; ! fix residual intercepts to 0
  ISI1* ISI2* ISI3* ISI4* (resvar); ! homogenous residual variance
  int BY ISI1@1 ISI2@1 ISI3@1 ISI4@1;
  slope BY ISI1@0 ISI2@0.5 ISI3@1 ISI4@1;
  slope2 BY ISI1@0 ISI2@0 ISI3@0 ISI4@1;
  int ON dstrat4 dcond@0 (i3 - i4);
  slope ON dcond (s4);
  slope2 ON dcond (s24);
  [int* slope* slope2*] (rm1 - rm3);
  int* slope* slope2*0 (rv1-rv3);
  int WITH slope*0;
  slope2 WITH int*0 slope*0;
usevariables = c("ISI1", "ISI2", "ISI3", "ISI4",
                 "dstrat4", "dcond"),
rdata = as.data.frame(isidat)),
dataout = "06_AdvancedStage_isi.dat", run = TRUE, writeData = "always", hashfilename = FALSE)
## Wrote model to: 06_AdvancedStage_isi.inp
## Wrote data to: 06_AdvancedStage_isi.dat
## model information, coefficients, and effect sizes
##  Primary ISI Analysis 
## Estimated using ML 
## Number of obs: 42, number of (free) parameters: 13 
## Model: Chi2(df = 9) = 12.581, p = 0.1825 
## Baseline model: Chi2(df = 14) = 88.083, p = 0 
## Fit Indices: 
## CFI = 0.952, TLI = 0.925, SRMR = 0.17 
## RMSEA = 0.097, 90% CI [0, 0.213], p < .05 = 0.25 
## AIC = 775.677, BIC = 798.267
  coef(isifit, param = c("reg", "exp", "new")),
  confint(isifit, param = c("reg", "exp", "new"))[,-1])
##                  Label    est    se    pval LowerCI UpperCI
## 13        INT<-DSTRAT4  5.695 1.864   0.002   2.041   9.349
## 14          INT<-DCOND  0.000 0.000 999.000   0.000   0.000
## 15        SLOPE<-DCOND -1.515 1.820   0.405  -5.083   2.052
## 16       SLOPE2<-DCOND  0.847 1.601   0.597  -2.290   3.984
## 20    ISI1<-Intercepts  0.000 0.000 999.000   0.000   0.000
## 21    ISI2<-Intercepts  0.000 0.000 999.000   0.000   0.000
## 22    ISI3<-Intercepts  0.000 0.000 999.000   0.000   0.000
## 23    ISI4<-Intercepts  0.000 0.000 999.000   0.000   0.000
## 24     INT<-Intercepts  8.383 1.642   0.000   5.164  11.601
## 25   SLOPE<-Intercepts -2.520 1.416   0.075  -5.295   0.255
## 26  SLOPE2<-Intercepts -2.836 1.197   0.018  -5.182  -0.491
## 34              ADJREF 12.857 0.741   0.000  11.404  14.310
## 35               MTAU1 12.857 0.741   0.000  11.404  14.310
## 36               MTAU2 11.597 0.888   0.000   9.856  13.339
## 37               MTAU3 10.337 1.425   0.000   7.544  13.131
## 38               MTAU4  7.501 1.591   0.000   4.383  10.619
## 39               MCBT1 12.857 0.741   0.000  11.404  14.310
## 40               MCBT2 10.840 0.820   0.000   9.232  12.447
## 41               MCBT3  8.822 1.254   0.000   6.365  11.280
## 42               MCBT4  6.833 1.411   0.000   4.067   9.599
## 43               MDIF1  0.000 0.000   1.000   0.000   0.000
## 44               MDIF2 -0.758 0.910   0.405  -2.542   1.026
## 45               MDIF3 -1.515 1.820   0.405  -5.083   2.052
## 46               MDIF4 -0.668 2.044   0.744  -4.675   3.339
## 47                 BD1  0.000 0.000   1.000   0.000   0.000
## 48                 BD2 -0.155 0.187   0.407  -0.522   0.212
## 49                 BD3 -0.310 0.374   0.407  -1.044   0.424
## 50                 BD4 -0.137 0.419   0.744  -0.958   0.684
## 51               S1CBT -4.035 1.246   0.001  -6.477  -1.593
## 52               S2CBT -1.989 1.057   0.060  -4.062   0.083
## create all the data for the plot, including means, effect sizes, Ns
## confidence intervals and significance
isi.plotdat <- list()
isi.plotdat <- within(isi.plotdat, {
est <- as.data.table(cbind(coef(isifit), confint(isifit)[, -1]))[35:42, ]
est[, Condition := rep(c("TAU+", "CBT-I+Light"), each = 4)]
est[, Timepoint := c(0:3, 0:3)]
freq <- xtabs(~ condition + Survey, data = d.all[!is.na(ISI_Total)])
ES <- c(sprintf("ES = %s",
                gsub("^0", "",
                     format(round(abs(subset(coef(isifit, param = c("new")),
                                             grepl("BD", Label))$est), 2),
                            digits = 2, nsmall = 2))))[-1]
labels <- c(
  sprintf("Baseline\nCBT-I+Light N: %d               \nTAU+            N: %d               ",
          freq["CBT+", "Baseline"],
          freq["Relaxation", "Baseline"]),
          freq["CBT+", "Midpoint"],
          freq["Relaxation", "Midpoint"]),
          freq["CBT+", "Post"],
          freq["Relaxation", "Post"]),
          freq["CBT+", "Follow-Up"],
          freq["Relaxation", "Follow-Up"]))
sig <- symnum(subset(coef(isifit), grepl("MDIF", Label))$pval,
              legend = FALSE, na = "",
              cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 1),
              symbols = c("***", "**", "*", "n.s."))[-1]
yval.sig <- with(est, max(UpperCI) + (abs(diff(range(c(LowerCI, UpperCI)))) * .02))
yval.es <- with(est, min(LowerCI) - (abs(diff(range(c(LowerCI, UpperCI)))) * .03))
## make the plot
p.isi <- with(isi.plotdat,
              ggplot(est, aes(Timepoint + ifelse(Condition=="CBT-I+Light", .03, -.03),
                              est, ymin = LowerCI, ymax = UpperCI,
                              colour = Condition, shape = Condition)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 8, linetype = 3, colour = "grey50") +
  geom_line(size = .1, alpha = .5) + geom_pointrange(size=1) +
  scale_x_continuous("", breaks = 0:3, labels = labels) +
  scale_y_continuous("Insomnia Symptoms (Adjusted)",
                     breaks = seq(5, 18, 1)) +
  annotate("text", x = 1, y = yval.sig, label = sig[1]) +
  annotate("text", x = 2, y = yval.sig, label = sig[2]) +
  annotate("text", x = 3, y = yval.sig, label = sig[3]) +
  annotate("text", x = 1, y = yval.es, label = ES[1]) +
  annotate("text", x = 2, y = yval.es, label = ES[2]) +
  annotate("text", x = 3, y = yval.es, label = ES[3]))
p.isi <- set_palette(p.isi, "jco")

4 Sleep Disturbance Symptoms

sddat <- copy(reshape(d.all[, .(
  ID, dcond, dstrat4, SD_TScore, Survey)],
  v.names = "SD_TScore",
  timevar = "Survey",
  idvar = c("ID", "dcond", "dstrat4"),
  direction = "wide"))
setnames(sddat, names(sddat),
         c("id", "dcond", "dstrat4",
           "SD0", "SD1", "SD2", "SD3", "SD4"))
sddat <- sddat[!is.na(SD1) | !is.na(SD2) | !is.na(SD3) | !is.na(SD4)]

sdfit <- mplusModeler(mplusObject(
  TITLE = "Primary SD Analysis;",
  MODEL = "
  [SD1 - SD4@0]; ! fix residual intercepts to 0
  SD1* SD2* SD3* SD4* (resvar); ! homogenous residual variance
  int BY SD1@1 SD2@1 SD3@1 SD4@1;
  slope BY SD1@0 SD2@0.5 SD3@1 SD4@1;
  slope2 BY SD1@0 SD2@0 SD3@0 SD4@1;
  int ON dstrat4 dcond@0 (i3 - i4);
  slope ON dcond (s4);
  slope2 ON dcond (s24);
  [int* slope* slope2*] (rm1 - rm3);
  int* slope* slope2*0 (rv1-rv3);
  int WITH slope*0;
  slope2 WITH int*0 slope@0;
  usevariables = c("SD1", "SD2", "SD3", "SD4",
                   "dstrat4", "dcond"),
  rdata = as.data.frame(sddat)),
  dataout = "06_AdvancedStage_sd.dat", run = TRUE, writeData = "always", hashfilename = FALSE)
## Wrote model to: 06_AdvancedStage_sd.inp
## Wrote data to: 06_AdvancedStage_sd.dat
## model information, coefficients, and effect sizes
##  Primary SD Analysis 
## Estimated using ML 
## Number of obs: 42, number of (free) parameters: 12 
## Model: Chi2(df = 10) = 29.439, p = 0.0011 
## Baseline model: Chi2(df = 14) = 72.64, p = 0 
## Fit Indices: 
## CFI = 0.669, TLI = 0.536, SRMR = 0.489 
## RMSEA = 0.215, 90% CI [0.128, 0.307], p < .05 = 0.003 
## AIC = 916.915, BIC = 937.767
  coef(sdfit, param = c("reg", "exp", "new")),
  confint(sdfit, param = c("reg", "exp", "new"))[,-1])
##                  Label    est    se    pval LowerCI UpperCI
## 13        INT<-DSTRAT4  9.138 2.842   0.001   3.568  14.708
## 14          INT<-DCOND  0.000 0.000 999.000   0.000   0.000
## 15        SLOPE<-DCOND -1.234 2.850   0.665  -6.819   4.352
## 16       SLOPE2<-DCOND -0.286 3.083   0.926  -6.330   5.757
## 20     SD1<-Intercepts  0.000 0.000 999.000   0.000   0.000
## 21     SD2<-Intercepts  0.000 0.000 999.000   0.000   0.000
## 22     SD3<-Intercepts  0.000 0.000 999.000   0.000   0.000
## 23     SD4<-Intercepts  0.000 0.000 999.000   0.000   0.000
## 24     INT<-Intercepts 47.949 2.488   0.000  43.074  52.825
## 25   SLOPE<-Intercepts -3.312 2.196   0.132  -7.617   0.993
## 26  SLOPE2<-Intercepts -3.185 2.306   0.167  -7.706   1.335
## 34              ADJREF 55.129 1.095   0.000  52.983  57.275
## 35               MTAU1 55.129 1.095   0.000  52.983  57.275
## 36               MTAU2 53.473 1.381   0.000  50.766  56.180
## 37               MTAU3 51.817 2.242   0.000  47.422  56.212
## 38               MTAU4 48.632 2.588   0.000  43.559  53.705
## 39               MCBT1 55.129 1.095   0.000  52.983  57.275
## 40               MCBT2 52.856 1.272   0.000  50.363  55.349
## 41               MCBT3 50.583 1.973   0.000  46.717  54.450
## 42               MCBT4 47.112 2.392   0.000  42.424  51.799
## 43               MDIF1  0.000 0.000   1.000   0.000   0.000
## 44               MDIF2 -0.617 1.425   0.665  -3.410   2.176
## 45               MDIF3 -1.234 2.850   0.665  -6.819   4.352
## 46               MDIF4 -1.520 3.216   0.637  -7.824   4.784
## 47                 BD1  0.000 0.000   1.000   0.000   0.000
## 48                 BD2 -0.083 0.192   0.665  -0.460   0.294
## 49                 BD3 -0.166 0.384   0.665  -0.920   0.587
## 50                 BD4 -0.205 0.434   0.637  -1.055   0.646
## 51               S1CBT -4.546 1.927   0.018  -8.322  -0.770
## 52               S2CBT -3.471 2.121   0.102  -7.628   0.685
## create all the data for the plot, including means, effect sizes, Ns
## confidence intervals and significance
sd.plotdat <- list()
sd.plotdat <- within(sd.plotdat, {
est <- as.data.table(cbind(coef(sdfit), confint(sdfit)[, -1]))[35:42, ]
est[, Condition := rep(c("TAU+", "CBT-I+Light"), each = 4)]
est[, Timepoint := c(0:3, 0:3)]
freq <- xtabs(~ condition + Survey, data = d.all[!is.na(SD_Total)])
ES <- c(sprintf("ES = %s",
                gsub("^0", "",
                     format(round(abs(subset(coef(sdfit, param = c("new")),
                                             grepl("BD", Label))$est), 2),
                            digits = 2, nsmall = 2))))[-1]
labels <- c(
  sprintf("Baseline\nCBT-I+Light N: %d               \nTAU+            N: %d               ",
          freq["CBT+", "Baseline"],
          freq["Relaxation", "Baseline"]),
          freq["CBT+", "Midpoint"],
          freq["Relaxation", "Midpoint"]),
          freq["CBT+", "Post"],
          freq["Relaxation", "Post"]),
          freq["CBT+", "Follow-Up"],
          freq["Relaxation", "Follow-Up"]))
sig <- symnum(subset(coef(sdfit), grepl("MDIF", Label))$pval,
              legend = FALSE, na = "",
              cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 1),
              symbols = c("***", "**", "*", "n.s."))[-1]
yval.sig <- with(est, max(UpperCI) + (abs(diff(range(c(LowerCI, UpperCI)))) * .02))
yval.es <- with(est, min(LowerCI) - (abs(diff(range(c(LowerCI, UpperCI)))) * .03))
## make the plot
p.sd <- with(sd.plotdat,
              ggplot(est, aes(Timepoint + ifelse(Condition=="CBT-I+Light", .03, -.03),
                              est, ymin = LowerCI, ymax = UpperCI,
                              colour = Condition, shape = Condition)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 50, linetype = 3, colour = "grey50") +
  geom_line(size = .1, alpha = .5) + geom_pointrange(size=1) +
  scale_x_continuous("", breaks = 0:3, labels = labels) +
  scale_y_continuous("Sleep Disturbance (Adjusted)",
                     breaks = seq(40, 58, 2)) +
  annotate("text", x = 1, y = yval.sig, label = sig[1]) +
  annotate("text", x = 2, y = yval.sig, label = sig[2]) +
  annotate("text", x = 3, y = yval.sig, label = sig[3]) +
  annotate("text", x = 1, y = yval.es, label = ES[1]) +
  annotate("text", x = 2, y = yval.es, label = ES[2]) +
  annotate("text", x = 3, y = yval.es, label = ES[3]))
p.sd <- set_palette(p.sd, "jco")

5 Fatigue Symptoms

fadat <- copy(reshape(d.all[, .(
  ID, dcond, dstrat4, FA_TScore, Survey)],
  v.names = "FA_TScore",
  timevar = "Survey",
  idvar = c("ID", "dcond", "dstrat4"),
  direction = "wide"))
setnames(fadat, names(fadat),
         c("id", "dcond", "dstrat4",
           "FA0", "FA1", "FA2", "FA3", "FA4"))
fadat <- fadat[!is.na(FA1) | !is.na(FA2) | !is.na(FA3) | !is.na(FA4)]

fafit <- mplusModeler(mplusObject(
  TITLE = "Primary FA Analysis;",
  MODEL = "
  [FA1 - FA4@0]; ! fix residual intercepts to 0
  FA1* FA2* FA3* FA4* (resvar); ! homogenous residual variance
  int BY FA1@1 FA2@1 FA3@1 FA4@1;
  slope BY FA1@0 FA2@0.5 FA3@1 FA4@1;
  slope2 BY FA1@0 FA2@0 FA3@0 FA4@1;
  int ON dstrat4 dcond@0 (i3 - i4);
  slope ON dcond (s4);
  slope2 ON dcond (s24);
  [int* slope* slope2*] (rm1 - rm3);
  int* slope* slope2*0 (rv1-rv3);
  int WITH slope*0;
  slope2 WITH int*0 slope*0;
  usevariables = c("FA1", "FA2", "FA3", "FA4",
                   "dstrat4", "dcond"),
  rdata = as.data.frame(fadat)),
  dataout = "06_AdvancedStage_fa.dat", run = TRUE, writeData = "always", hashfilename = FALSE)
## Wrote model to: 06_AdvancedStage_fa.inp
## Wrote data to: 06_AdvancedStage_fa.dat
## model information, coefficients, and effect sizes
##  Primary FA Analysis 
## Estimated using ML 
## Fit Indices: 
## CFI = NA, TLI = NA, SRMR = NA 
## RMSEA = NA, 90% CI [NA, NA], p < .05 = NA 
## AIC = NA, BIC = NA
  coef(fafit, param = c("reg", "exp", "new")),
  confint(fafit, param = c("reg", "exp", "new"))[,-1])
## Error in `[.data.frame`(out, , c("Label", estimate, se, pvalue)): object 'se' not found
## create all the data for the plot, including means, effect sizes, Ns
## confidence intervals and significance
fa.plotdat <- list()
fa.plotdat <- within(fa.plotdat, {
est <- as.data.table(cbind(coef(fafit), confint(fafit)[, -1]))[35:42, ]
est[, Condition := rep(c("TAU+", "CBT-I+Light"), each = 4)]
est[, Timepoint := c(0:3, 0:3)]
freq <- xtabs(~ condition + Survey, data = d.all[!is.na(FA_Total)])
ES <- c(sprintf("ES = %s",
                gsub("^0", "",
                     format(round(abs(subset(coef(fafit, param = c("new")),
                                             grepl("BD", Label))$est), 2),
                            digits = 2, nsmall = 2))))[-1]
labels <- c(
  sprintf("Baseline\nCBT-I+Light N: %d               \nTAU+            N: %d               ",
          freq["CBT+", "Baseline"],
          freq["Relaxation", "Baseline"]),
          freq["CBT+", "Midpoint"],
          freq["Relaxation", "Midpoint"]),
          freq["CBT+", "Post"],
          freq["Relaxation", "Post"]),
          freq["CBT+", "Follow-Up"],
          freq["Relaxation", "Follow-Up"]))
sig <- symnum(subset(coef(fafit), grepl("MDIF", Label))$pval,
              legend = FALSE, na = "",
              cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 1),
              symbols = c("***", "**", "*", "n.s."))[-1]
yval.sig <- with(est, max(UpperCI) + (abs(diff(range(c(LowerCI, UpperCI)))) * .02))
yval.es <- with(est, min(LowerCI) - (abs(diff(range(c(LowerCI, UpperCI)))) * .03))
## Error in `[.data.frame`(out, , c("Label", estimate, se, pvalue)): object 'se' not found
## make the plot
p.fa <- with(fa.plotdat,
              ggplot(est, aes(Timepoint + ifelse(Condition=="CBT-I+Light", .03, -.03),
                              est, ymin = LowerCI, ymax = UpperCI,
                              colour = Condition, shape = Condition)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 50, linetype = 3, colour = "grey50") +
  geom_line(size = .1, alpha = .5) + geom_pointrange(size=1) +
  scale_x_continuous("", breaks = 0:3, labels = labels) +
  scale_y_continuous("Fatigue Symptoms (Adjusted)",
                     breaks = seq(46, 62, 2)) +
  annotate("text", x = 1, y = yval.sig, label = sig[1]) +
  annotate("text", x = 2, y = yval.sig, label = sig[2]) +
  annotate("text", x = 3, y = yval.sig, label = sig[3]) +
  annotate("text", x = 1, y = yval.es, label = ES[1]) +
  annotate("text", x = 2, y = yval.es, label = ES[2]) +
  annotate("text", x = 3, y = yval.es, label = ES[3]))
## Error in ggplot(est, aes(Timepoint + ifelse(Condition == "CBT-I+Light", : object 'est' not found
p.fa <- set_palette(p.fa, "jco")
## Error in set_palette(p.fa, "jco"): object 'p.fa' not found
## Error in print(p.fa): object 'p.fa' not found

6 Depression Symptoms

depdat <- copy(reshape(d.all[, .(
  ID, dcond, dstrat4, DEP_TScore, Survey)],
  v.names = "DEP_TScore",
  timevar = "Survey",
  idvar = c("ID", "dcond", "dstrat4"),
  direction = "wide"))
setnames(depdat, names(depdat),
         c("id", "dcond", "dstrat4",
           "DEP0", "DEP1", "DEP2", "DEP3", "DEP4"))
depdat <- depdat[!is.na(DEP1) | !is.na(DEP2) | !is.na(DEP3) | !is.na(DEP4)]

depfit <- mplusModeler(mplusObject(
  TITLE = "Primary DEP Analysis;",
  MODEL = "
  [DEP1 - DEP4@0]; ! fix residual intercepts to 0
  DEP1* DEP2* DEP3* DEP4* (resvar); ! homogenous residual variance
  int BY DEP1@1 DEP2@1 DEP3@1 DEP4@1;
  slope BY DEP1@0 DEP2@0.5 DEP3@1 DEP4@1;
  slope2 BY DEP1@0 DEP2@0 DEP3@0 DEP4@1;
  int ON dstrat4 dcond@0 (i3 - i4);
  slope ON dcond (s4);
  slope2 ON dcond (s24);
  [int* slope* slope2*] (rm1 - rm3);
  int* slope* slope2*0 (rv1-rv3);
  int WITH slope*0;
  slope2 WITH int*0 slope*0;
  usevariables = c("DEP1", "DEP2", "DEP3", "DEP4",
                   "dstrat4", "dcond"),
  rdata = as.data.frame(depdat)),
  dataout = "06_AdvancedStage_dep.dat", run = TRUE, writeData = "always", hashfilename = FALSE)
## Wrote model to: 06_AdvancedStage_dep.inp
## Wrote data to: 06_AdvancedStage_dep.dat
## model information, coefficients, and effect sizes
##  Primary DEP Analysis 
## Estimated using ML 
## Number of obs: 42, number of (free) parameters: 13 
## Model: Chi2(df = 9) = 4.806, p = 0.8509 
## Baseline model: Chi2(df = 14) = 74.515, p = 0 
## Fit Indices: 
## CFI = 1, TLI = 1, SRMR = 0.094 
## RMSEA = 0, 90% CI [0, 0.097], p < .05 = 0.888 
## AIC = 897.647, BIC = 920.237
  coef(depfit, param = c("reg", "exp", "new")),
  confint(depfit, param = c("reg", "exp", "new"))[,-1])
##                  Label    est    se    pval LowerCI UpperCI
## 13        INT<-DSTRAT4  3.513 3.066   0.252  -2.496   9.522
## 14          INT<-DCOND  0.000 0.000 999.000   0.000   0.000
## 15        SLOPE<-DCOND  2.694 2.780   0.333  -2.755   8.143
## 16       SLOPE2<-DCOND -4.952 2.572   0.054  -9.992   0.088
## 20    DEP1<-Intercepts  0.000 0.000 999.000   0.000   0.000
## 21    DEP2<-Intercepts  0.000 0.000 999.000   0.000   0.000
## 22    DEP3<-Intercepts  0.000 0.000 999.000   0.000   0.000
## 23    DEP4<-Intercepts  0.000 0.000 999.000   0.000   0.000
## 24     INT<-Intercepts 47.741 2.733   0.000  42.384  53.099
## 25   SLOPE<-Intercepts -3.562 2.153   0.098  -7.782   0.657
## 26  SLOPE2<-Intercepts  3.520 1.894   0.063  -0.191   7.232
## 34              ADJREF 50.502 1.290   0.000  47.973  53.031
## 35               MTAU1 50.502 1.290   0.000  47.973  53.031
## 36               MTAU2 48.721 1.478   0.000  45.824  51.617
## 37               MTAU3 46.940 2.241   0.000  42.548  51.331
## 38               MTAU4 50.460 2.128   0.000  46.288  54.632
## 39               MCBT1 50.502 1.290   0.000  47.973  53.031
## 40               MCBT2 50.068 1.385   0.000  47.354  52.782
## 41               MCBT3 49.633 1.993   0.000  45.727  53.540
## 42               MCBT4 48.202 2.012   0.000  44.259  52.144
## 43               MDIF1  0.000 0.000   1.000   0.000   0.000
## 44               MDIF2  1.347 1.390   0.333  -1.377   4.071
## 45               MDIF3  2.694 2.780   0.333  -2.755   8.143
## 46               MDIF4 -2.258 2.561   0.378  -7.278   2.762
## 47                 BD1  0.000 0.000   1.000   0.000   0.000
## 48                 BD2  0.158 0.164   0.335  -0.164   0.480
## 49                 BD3  0.317 0.328   0.335  -0.327   0.960
## 50                 BD4 -0.265 0.302   0.380  -0.858   0.327
## 51               S1CBT -0.868 1.899   0.647  -4.591   2.854
## 52               S2CBT -1.432 1.762   0.416  -4.884   2.021
## create all the data for the plot, including means, effect sizes, Ns
## confidence intervals and significance
dep.plotdat <- list()
dep.plotdat <- within(dep.plotdat, {
est <- as.data.table(cbind(coef(depfit), confint(depfit)[, -1]))[35:42, ]
est[, Condition := rep(c("TAU+", "CBT-I+Light"), each = 4)]
est[, Timepoint := c(0:3, 0:3)]
freq <- xtabs(~ condition + Survey, data = d.all[!is.na(DEP_Total)])
ES <- c(sprintf("ES = %s",
                gsub("^0", "",
                     format(round(abs(subset(coef(depfit, param = c("new")),
                                             grepl("BD", Label))$est), 2),
                            digits = 2, nsmall = 2))))[-1]
labels <- c(
  sprintf("Baseline\nCBT-I+Light N: %d               \nTAU+            N: %d               ",
          freq["CBT+", "Baseline"],
          freq["Relaxation", "Baseline"]),
          freq["CBT+", "Midpoint"],
          freq["Relaxation", "Midpoint"]),
          freq["CBT+", "Post"],
          freq["Relaxation", "Post"]),
          freq["CBT+", "Follow-Up"],
          freq["Relaxation", "Follow-Up"]))
sig <- symnum(subset(coef(depfit), grepl("MDIF", Label))$pval,
              legend = FALSE, na = "",
              cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 1),
              symbols = c("***", "**", "*", "n.s."))[-1]
yval.sig <- with(est, max(UpperCI) + (abs(diff(range(c(LowerCI, UpperCI)))) * .02))
yval.es <- with(est, min(LowerCI) - (abs(diff(range(c(LowerCI, UpperCI)))) * .03))
## make the plot
p.dep <- with(dep.plotdat,
              ggplot(est, aes(Timepoint + ifelse(Condition=="CBT-I+Light", .03, -.03),
                              est, ymin = LowerCI, ymax = UpperCI,
                              colour = Condition, shape = Condition)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 50, linetype = 3, colour = "grey50") +
  geom_line(size = .1, alpha = .5) + geom_pointrange(size=1) +
  scale_x_continuous("", breaks = 0:3, labels = labels) +
  scale_y_continuous("Depressive Symptoms (Adjusted)",
                     breaks = seq(44, 54, 2)) +
  annotate("text", x = 1, y = yval.sig, label = sig[1]) +
  annotate("text", x = 2, y = yval.sig, label = sig[2]) +
  annotate("text", x = 3, y = yval.sig, label = sig[3]) +
  annotate("text", x = 1, y = yval.es, label = ES[1]) +
  annotate("text", x = 2, y = yval.es, label = ES[2]) +
  annotate("text", x = 3, y = yval.es, label = ES[3]))
p.dep <- set_palette(p.dep, "jco")

7 Anxiety Symptoms

anxdat <- copy(reshape(d.all[, .(
  ID, dcond, dstrat4, ANX_TScore, Survey)],
  v.names = "ANX_TScore",
  timevar = "Survey",
  idvar = c("ID", "dcond", "dstrat4"),
  direction = "wide"))
setnames(anxdat, names(anxdat),
         c("id", "dcond", "dstrat4",
           "ANX0", "ANX1", "ANX2", "ANX3", "ANX4"))
anxdat <- anxdat[!is.na(ANX1) | !is.na(ANX2) | !is.na(ANX3) | !is.na(ANX4)]

anxfit <- mplusModeler(mplusObject(
  TITLE = "Primary ANX Analysis;",
  MODEL = "
  [ANX1 - ANX4@0]; ! fix residual intercepts to 0
  ANX1* ANX2* ANX3* ANX4* (resvar); ! homogenous residual variance
  int BY ANX1@1 ANX2@1 ANX3@1 ANX4@1;
  slope BY ANX1@0 ANX2@0.5 ANX3@1 ANX4@1;
  slope2 BY ANX1@0 ANX2@0 ANX3@0 ANX4@1;
  int ON dstrat4 dcond@0 (i3 - i4);
  slope ON dcond (s4);
  slope2 ON dcond (s24);
  [int* slope* slope2*] (rm1 - rm3);
  int* slope* slope2*0 (rv1-rv3);
  int WITH slope*0;
  slope2 WITH int*0 slope*0;
  usevariables = c("ANX1", "ANX2", "ANX3", "ANX4",
                   "dstrat4", "dcond"),
  rdata = as.data.frame(anxdat)),
  dataout = "06_AdvancedStage_anx.dat", run = TRUE, writeData = "always", hashfilename = FALSE)
## Wrote model to: 06_AdvancedStage_anx.inp
## Wrote data to: 06_AdvancedStage_anx.dat
## model information, coefficients, and effect sizes
##  Primary ANX Analysis 
## Estimated using ML 
## Number of obs: 42, number of (free) parameters: 13 
## Model: Chi2(df = 9) = 17.378, p = 0.0431 
## Baseline model: Chi2(df = 14) = 88.59, p = 0 
## Fit Indices: 
## CFI = 0.888, TLI = 0.825, SRMR = 0.148 
## RMSEA = 0.149, 90% CI [0.026, 0.253], p < .05 = 0.072 
## AIC = 924.448, BIC = 947.038
  coef(anxfit, param = c("reg", "exp", "new")),
  confint(anxfit, param = c("reg", "exp", "new"))[,-1])
##                  Label    est    se    pval LowerCI UpperCI
## 13        INT<-DSTRAT4  2.176 3.560   0.541  -4.801   9.152
## 14          INT<-DCOND  0.000 0.000 999.000   0.000   0.000
## 15        SLOPE<-DCOND  2.076 2.867   0.469  -3.544   7.696
## 16       SLOPE2<-DCOND -4.772 3.662   0.193 -11.949   2.405
## 20    ANX1<-Intercepts  0.000 0.000 999.000   0.000   0.000
## 21    ANX2<-Intercepts  0.000 0.000 999.000   0.000   0.000
## 22    ANX3<-Intercepts  0.000 0.000 999.000   0.000   0.000
## 23    ANX4<-Intercepts  0.000 0.000 999.000   0.000   0.000
## 24     INT<-Intercepts 50.487 3.156   0.000  44.300  56.674
## 25   SLOPE<-Intercepts -2.927 2.177   0.179  -7.193   1.340
## 26  SLOPE2<-Intercepts  2.597 2.706   0.337  -2.707   7.900
## 34              ADJREF 52.196 1.461   0.000  49.332  55.061
## 35               MTAU1 52.196 1.461   0.000  49.332  55.061
## 36               MTAU2 50.733 1.686   0.000  47.429  54.037
## 37               MTAU3 49.270 2.432   0.000  44.503  54.037
## 38               MTAU4 51.866 2.277   0.000  47.403  56.330
## 39               MCBT1 52.196 1.461   0.000  49.332  55.061
## 40               MCBT2 51.771 1.582   0.000  48.670  54.872
## 41               MCBT3 51.346 2.140   0.000  47.151  55.540
## 42               MCBT4 49.170 2.099   0.000  45.056  53.285
## 43               MDIF1  0.000 0.000   1.000   0.000   0.000
## 44               MDIF2  1.038 1.434   0.469  -1.772   3.848
## 45               MDIF3  2.076 2.867   0.469  -3.544   7.696
## 46               MDIF4 -2.696 2.773   0.331  -8.131   2.739
## 47                 BD1  0.000 0.000   1.000   0.000   0.000
## 48                 BD2  0.108 0.149   0.470  -0.185   0.400
## 49                 BD3  0.216 0.299   0.470  -0.370   0.801
## 50                 BD4 -0.280 0.290   0.334  -0.847   0.288
## 51               S1CBT -0.851 1.849   0.645  -4.475   2.774
## 52               S2CBT -2.175 2.371   0.359  -6.823   2.472
## create all the data for the plot, including means, effect sizes, Ns
## confidence intervals and significance
anx.plotdat <- list()
anx.plotdat <- within(anx.plotdat, {
est <- as.data.table(cbind(coef(anxfit), confint(anxfit)[, -1]))[35:42, ]
est[, Condition := rep(c("TAU+", "CBT-I+Light"), each = 4)]
est[, Timepoint := c(0:3, 0:3)]
freq <- xtabs(~ condition + Survey, data = d.all[!is.na(ANX_Total)])
ES <- c(sprintf("ES = %s",
                gsub("^0", "",
                     format(round(abs(subset(coef(anxfit, param = c("new")),
                                             grepl("BD", Label))$est), 2),
                            digits = 2, nsmall = 2))))[-1]
labels <- c(
  sprintf("Baseline\nCBT-I+Light N: %d               \nTAU+            N: %d               ",
          freq["CBT+", "Baseline"],
          freq["Relaxation", "Baseline"]),
          freq["CBT+", "Midpoint"],
          freq["Relaxation", "Midpoint"]),
          freq["CBT+", "Post"],
          freq["Relaxation", "Post"]),
          freq["CBT+", "Follow-Up"],
          freq["Relaxation", "Follow-Up"]))
sig <- symnum(subset(coef(anxfit), grepl("MDIF", Label))$pval,
              legend = FALSE, na = "",
              cutpoints = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 1),
              symbols = c("***", "**", "*", "n.s."))[-1]
yval.sig <- with(est, max(UpperCI) + (abs(diff(range(c(LowerCI, UpperCI)))) * .02))
yval.es <- with(est, min(LowerCI) - (abs(diff(range(c(LowerCI, UpperCI)))) * .03))
## make the plot
p.anx <- with(anx.plotdat,
              ggplot(est, aes(Timepoint + ifelse(Condition=="CBT-I+Light", .03, -.03),
                              est, ymin = LowerCI, ymax = UpperCI,
                              colour = Condition, shape = Condition)) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 50, linetype = 3, colour = "grey50") +
  geom_line(size = .1, alpha = .5) + geom_pointrange(size=1) +
  scale_x_continuous("", breaks = 0:3, labels = labels) +
  scale_y_continuous("Anxiety Symptoms (Adjusted)",
                     breaks = seq(40, 56, 2)) +
  annotate("text", x = 1, y = yval.sig, label = sig[1]) +
  annotate("text", x = 2, y = yval.sig, label = sig[2]) +
  annotate("text", x = 3, y = yval.sig, label = sig[3]) +
  annotate("text", x = 1, y = yval.es, label = ES[1]) +
  annotate("text", x = 2, y = yval.es, label = ES[2]) +
  annotate("text", x = 3, y = yval.es, label = ES[3]))
p.anx <- set_palette(p.anx, "jco")

8 Final Panel Plot

p.all <- ggarrange(
  p.isi + theme(plot.margin = margin(2, 14, 0, 32, "pt")) + coord_cartesian(clip="off"),
  p.sri + theme(plot.margin = margin(2, 14, 0, 32, "pt")) + coord_cartesian(clip="off"),
  p.sd +  theme(plot.margin = margin(2, 14, 0, 32, "pt")) + coord_cartesian(clip="off"),
  ## p.fa +  theme(plot.margin = margin(2, 14, 0, 32, "pt")) + coord_cartesian(clip="off"),
  p.dep + theme(plot.margin = margin(2, 14, 0, 32, "pt")) + coord_cartesian(clip="off"),
  p.anx + theme(plot.margin = margin(2, 14, 0, 32, "pt")) + coord_cartesian(clip="off"),
  labels = c("A", "B", "C", "E", "F"),
  ncol=2, nrow=3,
  legend = "bottom",
  common.legend = TRUE)


pdf(file = "06_advancedstage_figure_pros.pdf", width = 9, height = 12)
## png 
##   2

9 Demographics Table

## used to examine whether conditions differ on any demographics in that subset with
## advanced stage. Results showed no significant differences between conditions
## except in education
  "Age", "CHILD2", "CHILDLV18", "ETH2", "MARI2",
  "EMPL3", "EDU3", "INCOM3", "SES_1", "SMO",
  "MHTX", "SleepTX", "ISI_Total"),
  g = "condition",
  data = d.all[Survey=="Baseline"], simChisq=TRUE)
##                          Relaxation M (SD)/N (%) CBT+ M (SD)/N (%)
##  1:                  Age           52.65 (10.46)     47.36 (10.77)
##  2:               CHILD2                                          
##  3:           >= 1 Child               13 (68.4)         13 (56.5)
##  4:          No Children                6 (31.6)         10 (43.5)
##  5:            CHILDLV18                                          
##  6:          Child < 18y                4 (21.1)          7 (30.4)
##  7:       No Child < 18y               15 (78.9)         16 (69.6)
##  8:                 ETH2                                          
##  9:            Non-White                 1 (5.3)          3 (13.0)
## 10:                White               18 (94.7)         20 (87.0)
## 11:                MARI2                                          
## 12:    Married/living as               12 (63.2)         15 (65.2)
## 13:                Other                7 (36.8)          8 (34.8)
## 14:                EMPL3                                          
## 15:             Employed               12 (63.2)         13 (56.5)
## 16:              Retired                4 (21.1)          4 (17.4)
## 17:         Not employed                3 (15.8)          6 (26.1)
## 18:                 EDU3                                          
## 19:           < Bachelor               11 (57.9)          4 (17.4)
## 20:             Bachelor                 1 (5.3)         11 (47.8)
## 21:           > Bachelor                7 (36.8)          8 (34.8)
## 22:               INCOM3                                          
## 23:           <= $50,000                4 (22.2)          4 (18.2)
## 24:   $50,001 - $100,000                8 (44.4)          9 (40.9)
## 25:           > $100,000                6 (33.3)          9 (40.9)
## 26:                SES_1             6.47 (1.93)       6.45 (1.50)
## 27:                  SMO                                          
## 28:                   No               18 (94.7)        23 (100.0)
## 29:                  Yes                 1 (5.3)           0 (0.0)
## 30:               CANSTG                                          
## 31:                    1                 1 (5.3)           0 (0.0)
## 32:                    2                2 (10.5)           0 (0.0)
## 33:                    3                5 (26.3)         10 (45.5)
## 34:                    4               11 (57.9)         12 (54.5)
## 35:            RADIATION                                          
## 36:              Current                3 (15.8)          3 (14.3)
## 37:                   No                7 (36.8)          6 (28.6)
## 38:              Planned                6 (31.6)          9 (42.9)
## 39:          UnknownPlan                3 (15.8)          3 (14.3)
## 40:           BIOLOGICAL                                          
## 41:              Current                8 (47.1)          6 (30.0)
## 42:                   No                3 (17.6)          8 (40.0)
## 43:              Planned                2 (11.8)           1 (5.0)
## 44:          UnknownPlan                4 (23.5)          5 (25.0)
## 45:             HORMONAL                                          
## 46:              Current                5 (26.3)          3 (14.3)
## 47:                   No                7 (36.8)          7 (33.3)
## 48:              Planned                2 (10.5)          5 (23.8)
## 49:          UnknownPlan                5 (26.3)          6 (28.6)
## 50:            MENOPAUSE                                          
## 51:              Current                2 (10.5)          6 (30.0)
## 52:                   No                8 (42.1)          8 (40.0)
## 53:                 Past                9 (47.4)          6 (30.0)
## 54:                 SURG                                          
## 55:                   No               10 (52.6)          7 (31.8)
## 56:                  Yes                9 (47.4)         15 (68.2)
## 57:                 CHEM                                          
## 58:                   No                 0 (0.0)           1 (4.5)
## 59:                  Yes              19 (100.0)         21 (95.5)
## 60:                 MHTX                                          
## 61:                   No               10 (55.6)          6 (27.3)
## 62:                  Yes                8 (44.4)         16 (72.7)
## 63:              SleepTX                                          
## 64:                   No               13 (68.4)         10 (45.5)
## 65:                  Yes                6 (31.6)         12 (54.5)
## 66:            ISI_Total            12.79 (4.50)      12.96 (6.66)
##                          Relaxation M (SD)/N (%) CBT+ M (SD)/N (%)
##                                                           Test
##  1:                        t(df=40) = 1.60, p = .117, d = 0.50
##  2:         Chi-square = 0.62, simulated, p = .530, Phi = 0.12
##  3:                                                           
##  4:                                                           
##  5:         Chi-square = 0.47, simulated, p = .727, Phi = 0.11
##  6:                                                           
##  7:                                                           
##  8:         Chi-square = 0.73, simulated, p = .613, Phi = 0.13
##  9:                                                           
## 10:                                                           
## 11:        Chi-square = 0.02, simulated, p = 1.000, Phi = 0.02
## 12:                                                           
## 13:                                                           
## 14:  Chi-square = 0.67, simulated, p = .760, Cramer's V = 0.13
## 15:                                                           
## 16:                                                           
## 17:                                                           
## 18: Chi-square = 11.39, simulated, p = .003, Cramer's V = 0.52
## 19:                                                           
## 20:                                                           
## 21:                                                           
## 22:  Chi-square = 0.26, simulated, p = .845, Cramer's V = 0.08
## 23:                                                           
## 24:                                                           
## 25:                                                           
## 26:                        t(df=39) = 0.04, p = .972, d = 0.01
## 27:         Chi-square = 1.24, simulated, p = .452, Phi = 0.17
## 28:                                                           
## 29:                                                           
## 30:  Chi-square = 4.51, simulated, p = .176, Cramer's V = 0.33
## 31:                                                           
## 32:                                                           
## 33:                                                           
## 34:                                                           
## 35:  Chi-square = 0.58, simulated, p = .967, Cramer's V = 0.12
## 36:                                                           
## 37:                                                           
## 38:                                                           
## 39:                                                           
## 40:  Chi-square = 2.78, simulated, p = .511, Cramer's V = 0.27
## 41:                                                           
## 42:                                                           
## 43:                                                           
## 44:                                                           
## 45:  Chi-square = 1.78, simulated, p = .658, Cramer's V = 0.21
## 46:                                                           
## 47:                                                           
## 48:                                                           
## 49:                                                           
## 50:  Chi-square = 2.58, simulated, p = .325, Cramer's V = 0.26
## 51:                                                           
## 52:                                                           
## 53:                                                           
## 54:         Chi-square = 1.82, simulated, p = .216, Phi = 0.21
## 55:                                                           
## 56:                                                           
## 57:        Chi-square = 0.89, simulated, p = 1.000, Phi = 0.15
## 58:                                                           
## 59:                                                           
## 60:         Chi-square = 3.30, simulated, p = .106, Phi = 0.29
## 61:                                                           
## 62:                                                           
## 63:         Chi-square = 2.18, simulated, p = .208, Phi = 0.23
## 64:                                                           
## 65:                                                           
## 66:                       t(df=40) = -0.09, p = .926, d = 0.03
##                                                           Test

10 Session Info for Documentation

## R version 4.1.0 (2021-05-18)
## Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
## Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19043)
## Matrix products: default
## locale:
## [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 
## [2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252   
## [3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
## [4] LC_NUMERIC=C                          
## [5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252    
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
## [1] MplusAutomation_0.8 data.table_1.14.0   reshape2_1.4.4     
## [4] JWileymisc_1.2.1    scales_1.1.1        ggpubr_0.4.0       
## [7] ggplot2_3.3.3       rmarkdown_2.8       knitr_1.33         
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##   [1] TH.data_1.0-10       VGAM_1.1-5           minqa_1.2.4         
##   [4] colorspace_2.0-1     ggsignif_0.6.1       ellipsis_0.3.2      
##   [7] rio_0.5.26           estimability_1.3     htmlTable_2.2.1     
##  [10] base64enc_0.1-3      rstudioapi_0.13      mice_3.13.0         
##  [13] farver_2.1.0         lavaan_0.6-8         MatrixModels_0.5-0  
##  [16] fansi_0.5.0          mvtnorm_1.1-1        codetools_0.2-18    
##  [19] splines_4.1.0        mnormt_2.0.2         robustbase_0.93-7   
##  [22] texreg_1.37.5        Formula_1.2-4        jsonlite_1.7.2      
##  [25] nloptr_1.2.2.2       broom_0.7.6          cluster_2.1.2       
##  [28] png_0.1-7            httr_1.4.2           compiler_4.1.0      
##  [31] emmeans_1.6.0        backports_1.2.1      assertthat_0.2.1    
##  [34] Matrix_1.3-3         htmltools_0.5.1.1    quantreg_5.85       
##  [37] tools_4.1.0          coda_0.19-4          gtable_0.3.0        
##  [40] glue_1.4.2           dplyr_1.0.6          ggthemes_4.2.4      
##  [43] Rcpp_1.0.6           carData_3.0-4        cellranger_1.1.0    
##  [46] jquerylib_0.1.4      vctrs_0.3.8          nlme_3.1-152        
##  [49] conquer_1.0.2        psych_2.1.3          xfun_0.23           
##  [52] stringr_1.4.0        proto_1.0.0          openxlsx_4.2.3      
##  [55] lme4_1.1-27          lifecycle_1.0.0      extraoperators_0.1.1
##  [58] rstatix_0.7.0        polspline_1.1.19     DEoptimR_1.0-9      
##  [61] MASS_7.3-54          zoo_1.8-9            hms_1.1.0           
##  [64] parallel_4.1.0       sandwich_3.0-1       SparseM_1.81        
##  [67] RColorBrewer_1.1-2   yaml_2.2.1           curl_4.3.1          
##  [70] gridExtra_2.3        pander_0.6.3         sass_0.4.0          
##  [73] rms_6.2-0            rpart_4.1-15         latticeExtra_0.6-29 
##  [76] stringi_1.6.2        highr_0.9            checkmate_2.0.0     
##  [79] boot_1.3-28          zip_2.1.1            rlang_0.4.11        
##  [82] pkgconfig_2.0.3      matrixStats_0.58.0   evaluate_0.14       
##  [85] lattice_0.20-44      purrr_0.3.4          labeling_0.4.2      
##  [88] htmlwidgets_1.5.3    cowplot_1.1.1        tidyselect_1.1.1    
##  [91] ggsci_2.9            plyr_1.8.6           magrittr_2.0.1      
##  [94] R6_2.5.0             generics_0.1.0       multcompView_0.1-8  
##  [97] Hmisc_4.5-0          multcomp_1.4-17      DBI_1.1.1           
## [100] gsubfn_0.7           pillar_1.6.1         haven_2.4.1         
## [103] foreign_0.8-81       withr_2.4.2          mgcv_1.8-35         
## [106] survival_3.2-11      abind_1.4-5          nnet_7.3-16         
## [109] tibble_3.1.2         crayon_1.4.1         car_3.0-10          
## [112] utf8_1.2.1           tmvnsim_1.0-2        jpeg_0.1-8.1        
## [115] grid_4.1.0           readxl_1.3.1         pbivnorm_0.6.0      
## [118] forcats_0.5.1        digest_0.6.27        xtable_1.8-4        
## [121] tidyr_1.1.3          stats4_4.1.0         munsell_0.5.0       
## [124] bslib_0.2.5.1