READ ME Data from: Thermal limits in the face of infectious disease: how important are pathogens? Data collection: To find papers where thermal limits were measured both across populations along latitudinal clines and also in the presence and absence of other co-occurring stressors, Web of Science searches were conducted in November 2019 with the following search terms. All searches contained search terms for thermal limits, including: "thermal limit*" OR "upper thermal limit*" OR "CTmax" OR "thermal tolerance" OR "heat tolerance" OR "temperature tolerance" And then individually included: “stress*" OR "co-occurring stress*" OR "multiple stress*" "host*" OR "pathogen*" OR "infectious disease*" OR "parasit*" OR "infection" OR "disease" “food stress” OR “starv*” “desicc*” OR “water stress” “pollut*” OR “tox*” OR “metal*” OR “pesticide*” OR “pharm*” “salinity” OR “osmotic stress” “latitud*” OR “cline” Papers were then chosen if they measured knockdown times under heat shock or CTmax, and were found both from the above searches and from references lists and forward searches of these papers. For disease and co-occurring stress papers, they were further filtered to those that contained at least one stressful treatment, and one treatment that could represent benign conditions or a control. For latitudinal cline data, papers were chosen if they measured CTmax or knockdown times under heat shock and presented the data across latitude (data was extracted from each end of the regression lines depicting the cline). Where possible data was extracted from descriptive statistics in the papers, otherwise data was extracted from figures using: Data files: cline_thermal_limits_data.csv contains data extracted for CTmax and heat shock knockdown times (HKDT) from the latitudinal clines. low_lat UTL = low latitude upper thermal limits, high_lat UTL = high latitude upper thermal limit co_stress_thermal_limits_data.csv Contains data for CTmax and HKDT from studies that has the presence of absence of co-occurring stressors (salinity, desiccation, starvation, pollution). Control_UTL = upper thermal limit for treatment deemed the control, Treatment_UTL = upper thermal limit for treatment exposed to the stressor disease_thermal_limits_data.csv Contains data for CTmax and HKDT from studies that measured these traits on hosts simultaneously infected with a parasite or pathogen