Aligned to the following blast databases: Model reference: Macquaria_GOP_270718 Model reference: Macquaria_SCH_270718 Blast alignment parameters: E-value: 5e-5 Min sequnence % identity: 90 file name: Report_DMacq19-4705_8_moreOrders_SNP_mapping_2.csv description: SNP 1 Row Mapping Format: "0" = Reference allele homozygote, "1" = SNP allele homozygote, "2"= heterozygote and "-" = double null/null allele homozygote (absence of fragment with SNP in genomic representation) Metadata columns in the file: AlleleID Unique identifier for the sequence in which the SNP marker occurs AlleleSequence In 1 row format: the sequence of the Reference allele. In 2 rows format: the sequence of the Reference allele is in the Ref row, the sequence of the SNP allele in the SNP row AvgCountRef The sum of the tag read counts for all samples, divided by the number of samples with non-zero tag read counts, for the Reference allele row AvgCountSnp The sum of the tag read counts for all samples, divided by the number of samples with non-zero tag read counts, for the SNP allele row AvgPIC The average of the polymorphism information content (PIC) of the Reference and SNP allele rows CallRate The proportion of samples for which the genotype call is either "1" or "0", rather than "-" CloneID Unique identifier for the sequence in which the SNP marker occurs FreqHets The proportion of samples which score as heterozygous. FreqHomRef The proportion of samples which score as homozygous for the Reference allele FreqHomSnp The proportion of samples which score as homozygous for the SNP allele OneRatioRef The proportion of samples for which the genotype score is "1", in the Reference allele row OneRatioSnp The proportion of samples for which the genotype score is "1", in the SNP allele row PICRef The polymorphism information content (PIC) for the Reference allele row PICSnp The polymorphism information content (PIC) for the SNP allele row RepAvg The proportion of technical replicate assay pairs for which the marker score is consistent SNP In 2 rows format: this column is blank in the Reference row, and contains the base position and base variant details in the SNP row. In 1 row format: contains the base position and base variant details SnpPosition The position (zero indexed) in the sequence tag at which the defined SNP variant base occurs TrimmedSequence Same as the full sequence, but with removed adapters in short marker tags Blast columns (each column starting with is): AlnCnt_ Total count of aligning markers / tags with selection criteria described below AlnEvalue_ E value of the best alignment to an existing model genome ChromPos_ Position(s) on contig(s) with the best alignment of marker / tag to an existing model genome Chrom_ Contig(s) with the best alignment of marker / tag to an existing model genome Header rows: 1 Order number where sample belongs to - important for multi-orders reports 2 DArT plate barcode 3 client plate barcode 4 well row position 5 well column position 6 sample comments 7 genotype name