Data and analysis scripts for the paper: Retsch, M.H., Jakob, C. & Singh, M.S. (2020): "Assessing Convective Organisation in Tropical Radar Observations", Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres This archive includes three directories: 1) Figures 2) Data 3) Scripts ========== 1) Figures ========== This directory simply contains the figures within the paper. Figures are not put together to their final form as in the paper (with (a), (b) and (c)). ======= 2) Data ======= The data needed to rerun the analysis and to replot the plots. In 'Analysis' the values for Iorg, COP, SCAI and ROME are stored. The 'No_Boundary'-directory discards objects touching the radar range boundary, as is done in the paper. In 'OpenStreetMaps' the data to plot a coastline in the background of the radar range is stored. 'PopeRegimes' contains a .csv-file with each day at the CPOL radar site classified into one of 5 Pope regimes. '', once unzipped, contains CPOL radar data for every 10 minutes during the tropical wet season, starting in late 2009 until 2017, with reflectivity at 2.5 km height classified into 1=stratiform rain, 2=convective rain, or 0=no rain. The surrounding of the radar range is NaN. This is the input to compute the convective organisation metrics Iorg, COP, SCAI and ROME. ========== 3) Scripts ========== The code of the analysis and the plots. The scripts are written in python and need installation of a few standard packages like numpy, pandas, xarray, etc.. The paths to the data need to be adapted to point to the data in this repository. All computations of the convective organisation metrics Iorg, COP, SCAI and ROME can be rerun and all plots be recreated.