Monash University

Jules Farquhar

Research Officer (Herpetology), Monash University (Biological sciences; Ecology; Evolutionary biology; Zoology)

Melbourne, Australia


  • Using crowdsourced photographic records to explore geographical variation in colour polymorphism
  • Capturing uncatalogued distribution records to improve conservation assessments of data‐deficient species: a case study using the glossy grass skink
  • Identifying the abiotic factors that determine the inland range limits of a mesic-adapted lizard species
  • Habitat loss and degradation reduce the abundance of the glossy grass skink, Pseudemoia rawlinsoni
  • Morphological and genetic data challenge species and subspecies in the Lerista microtis group (Squamata: Scincidae)
  • Determining the geographic distribution and ecology of the Critically Endangered Kaputar rock skink (Egernia roomi)
  • Forecasting potential invaders to prevent future biological invasions worldwide

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Co-workers & collaborators

David Chapple

David Chapple

Arman Pili

Arman Pili

Jules Farquhar's public data