- Allometry and size control: What can studies of body size regulation teach us about the evolution of morphological scaling relationships?
- Matching complex dietary landscapes with the signalling pathways that regulate life history traits
- The Ol(1)mpiad: concordance of behavioural faculties of stage 1 and stage 3 Drosophila larvae
- A dietary sterol trade-off determines lifespan responses to dietary restriction in Drosophila melanogaster females
- Data from: Differences in larval nutritional requirements and female oviposition preference reflect the order of fruit colonization of Zaprionus indianus and Drosophila simulans
- Data from: Stage-specific plasticity in ovary size is regulated by insulin/insulin-like growth factor and ecdysone signalling in Drosophila
- Coordinating morphology with behaviour during development: an integrative approach from a fly perspective.
- Interacting with change: Diet mediates how larvae respond to their thermal environment
- Insulin-like signalling influences the coordination of Drosophila larval hemocyte number with body size
- The sex-specific effects of diet quality versus quantity on morphology in Drosophila melanogaster
- Torso-Like Is a Component of the Hemolymph and Regulates the Insulin Signalling Pathway in Drosophila.
- Unravelling the diversity of mechanisms through which nutrition regulates body size in insects
- Ecdysone promotes growth of imaginal discs through the regulation of Thor in D-melanogaster
- Drosophila melanogaster larvae make nutritional choices that minimize developmental time
- Differences in larval nutritional requirements and female oviposition preference reflect the order of fruit colonization of Zaprionus indianus and Drosophila simulans.
- The POU Factor Ventral Veins Lacking/Drifter Directs the Timing of Metamorphosis through Ecdysteroid and Juvenile Hormone Signaling
- Nutritional control of body size through FoxO-Ultraspiracle mediated ecdysone biosynthesis
- Juvenile hormone regulates body size and perturbs insulin signaling in Drosophila
- Coordination of Wing and Whole-Body Development at Developmental Milestones Ensures Robustness against Environmental and Physiological Perturbations
- Adaptation to new nutritional environments: larval performance, foraging decisions, and adult oviposition choices in Drosophila suzukii
- Coordinating morphology with behavior during development: an integrative approach from a fly perspective
- Stage-specific plasticity in ovary size is regulated by insulin/insulin-like growth factor and ecdysone signaling in Drosophila
- Turning food into eggs: insights from nutritional biology and developmental physiology of Drosophila
- Coordinating Development: How Do Animals Integrate Plastic and Robust Developmental Processes?
- Disruption of mitochondrial dynamics affects behaviour and lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans
- Neuropeptide F receptor acts in the Drosophila prothoracic gland to regulate growth and developmental timing
- When does diet matter? The roles of larval and adult nutrition in regulating adult size traits
- Food intake and food choice are altered by the developmental transition at critical weight in Drosophila melanogaster
- Amino acid quality modifies the quantitative availability of protein for reproduction in Drosophila melanogaster
- Growth-Blocking Peptides As Nutrition-Sensitive Signals for Insulin Secretion and Body Size Regulation
- Developmental nutrition modulates metabolic responses to projected climate change
- Drosophila melanogaster females prioritise dietary sterols for producing high quality eggs
- Does local adaptation along a latitudinal cline shape plastic responses to combined thermal and nutritional stress?
- A New Role for Neuropeptide F Signaling in Controlling Developmental Timing and Body Size in Drosophila melanogaster
- Growing Up in a Changing World: Environmental Regulation of Development in Insects
- Amino acid quality modifies the quantitative availability of protein for reproduction in Drosophila melanogaster
- Quantification of Macronutrients Intake in a Thermogenetic Neuronal Screen using Drosophila Larvae.
- Insulin-Like Signalling Influences the Coordination of Larval Hemocyte Number with Body Size in Drosophila melanogaster
- The Number of Larval Molts Is Controlled by Hox in Caterpillars
- Regulation of ecdysone production in Drosophila by neuropeptides and peptide hormones
- Ecdysone Quantification from Whole Body Samples of Drosophila melanogaster Larvae
- Quantification of macronutrients intake in a thermogenetic neuronal screen using Drosophila larvae
- Ecdysone coordinates plastic growth with robust pattern in the developing wing
- Target of Rapamycin drives unequal responses to essential amino acid depletion in egg laying
- The development of body and organ shape
- Restricting a single amino acid cross-protects D. melanogaster from nicotine poisoning through mTORC1 and GCN2 signalling
- The Biosynthetic Costs of Amino Acids at the Base of the Food Chain Determine Their Use in Higher-order Consumer Genomes
- Nutrigonometry I: using right-angle triangles to quantify nutritional trade-offs in multidimensional performance landscapes
- Maintaining robust size across environmental conditions through plastic brain growth dynamics
- Integrating body and organ size in Drosophila: recent advances and outstanding problems
- A role for juvenile hormone in the prepupal development of Drosophila melanogaster
- The Ecdysone receptor controls the post-critical weight switch to nutrition-independent differentiation in Drosophila wing imaginal discs
- Developmental model of static allometry in holometabolous insects
- Critical weight as a switch in the developmental response to starvation: the role of ecdysone in the maturation of Drosophila wing discs
- Size assessment and growth control: how adult size is determined in insects
- Ecdysteroid control of metamorphosis in the differentiating adult leg structures of Drosophila melanogaster
- The role of the prothoracic gland in determining critical weight to metamorphosis in Drosophila melanogaster
- Joint development in the Drosophila leg: Cell movements and cell populations
- Mechanisms regulating nutrition-dependent developmental plasticity through organ-specific effects in insects
- The developmental control of size in insects
- The roles of juvenile hormone, insulin/target of rapamycin, and ecydsone signaling in regulating body size in Drosophila
- Introgressive hybridization between two species of water striders (Hemiptera: Gerridae: Limnoporus): geographic structure and temporal change of a hybrid zone
- Within population variation in body size plasticity in response to combined nutritional and thermal stress is partially independent from variation in development time
- Ageing impairs protein leveraging in a sex-specific manner in Drosophila melanogaster
- Manuscript preprint: Rethinking the ecdysteroid source during Drosophila pupal–adult development
- Rethinking the ecdysteroid source during Drosophila pupal–adult development
- Genetic variation of macronutrient tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster.
- Within‐population variation in body size plasticity in response to combined nutritional and thermal stress is partially independent from variation in development time
- Restricting a single amino acid cross-protects Drosophila melanogaster from nicotine poisoning through mTORC1 and GCN2 signalling
- Biosynthetic constraints on amino acid synthesis at the base of the food chain may determine their use in higher-order consumer genomes
- Identifying the proximate mechanisms that generate variation in nutritional plasticity for fecundity in Drosophila melanogaster
- Identifying the proximate mechanisms that generate variation in nutritional plasticity for fecundity inDrosophila melanogaster
- Variation in plasticity in response to combined thermal-nutritional stress is genetically independent between sexes and across traits
- Genetic variation of macronutrient tolerance in Drosophila melanogaster
- Nutrigonometry I: Using Right-Angle Triangles to Quantify Nutritional Trade-Offs in Performance Landscapes
- Drosophila melanogaster females prioritise dietary sterols for producing viable eggs
- Target of Rapamycin Drives Unequal Responses to Essential Amino Acid Depletion for Egg Laying in Drosophila Melanogaster
- When does diet matter? The roles of larval and adult nutrition in regulating adult size traits in Drosophila melanogaster
- An integrative approach to dietary balance across the life course
- Evaluating old truths: Final adult size in holometabolous insects is set by the end of larval development
- The proximate sources of genetic variation in body size plasticity: The relative contributions of feeding behaviour and development in Drosophila melanogaster
- Short-term fasting of a single amino acid extends lifespan.
- Short-term fasting of a single amino acid extends lifespan
- GCN2 mediates access to stored amino acids for somatic maintenance duringDrosophilaageing
- Fluctuating temperatures exacerbate nutritional stress during development in Drosophila melanogaster
- Fluctuating temperatures exacerbate the effects of nutritional stress during development inDrosophila melanogaster
- Table S1 from Temperature and nutrition do not interact to shape the evolution of metabolic rate
- Data file from Temperature and nutrition do not interact to shape the evolution of metabolic rate
- Read me text file from Temperature and nutrition do not interact to shape the evolution of metabolic rate
- Supplementary material from "Temperature and nutrition do not interact to shape the evolution of metabolic rate"
- Tables S2 and S3 from Temperature and nutrition do not interact to shape the evolution of metabolic rate
- R code from Temperature and nutrition do not interact to shape the evolution of metabolic rate
- Female counter-singing data from Temperature and nutrition do not interact to shape the evolution of metabolic rate
- Male-female comparison data from Temperature and nutrition do not interact to shape the evolution of metabolic rate
- Female counter-singing analysis script from Temperature and nutrition do not interact to shape the evolution of metabolic rate
- Supplementary methods and figure captions from Temperature and nutrition do not interact to shape the evolution of metabolic rate
- Male-female comparison analysis script from Temperature and nutrition do not interact to shape the evolution of metabolic rate
- Fulton & Wansbrough et al, 2023_Short-term fasting of a single amino acid extends lifespan
- Short-term fasting of a single amino acid extends lifespan_Fulton & Wansbrough et al, 2023
- Transiently restricting individual amino acids protects D. melanogaster against multiple stressors
- Transiently restricting individual amino acids protectsD. melanogasteragainst multiple stressors
- Johnstone et al, 2023_Surviving without an essential aa_supplement & proteomics data
- Johnstone et al, 2023_Surviving without an essential aa_supplement & proteomics data
- Within population plastic responses to combined thermal-nutritional stress differ from those in response to single stressors, and are genetically independent across traits in both males and females.
- Within population plastic responses to combined thermal-nutritional stress differ from those in response to single stressors, and are genetically independent across traits in both males and females
- Within-population plastic responses to combined thermal-nutritional stress differ from those in response to single stressors, and are genetically independent across traits in both males and females
- Experimental evolution under combined thermal-nutritional stress in Drosophila melanogaster results in evolved shifts in larval thermotolerance and thermal plasticity
- Data and coding files for: Experimental evolution under combined thermal-nutritional stress in Drosophila melanogaster results in evolved shifts in larval thermotolerance and thermal plasticity
- Experimental evolution under combined thermal-nutritional stress inDrosophila melanogasterresults in evolved shifts in larval thermotolerance and thermal plasticity
- Fulton et al, 2024_AA restriction confers resistance against multiple stressors
- Fulton et al, 2024_AA restriction confers resistance against multiple stressors
- Insulin-like signalling influences the coordination ofDrosophilalarval hemocyte number with body size
- Amino acid quality modifies the quantitative availability of protein for reproduction inDrosophila melanogaster
- Transiently restricting individual amino acids protects Drosophila melanogaster against multiple stressors
- Dietary zinc limitation dictates lifespan and reproduction trade-offs of Drosophila mothers
- Dietary zinc limitation dictates lifespan and reproduction trade-offs ofDrosophilamothers
- Sarmah et al. - Dietary Zn determines life history outcomes in Drosophila melanogaster
- Sarmah et al. - Dietary Zn determines life history outcomes in Drosophila melanogaster