Monash University

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Workplace violence in the emergency department in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

posted on 2017-11-27, 01:08 authored by WALEED MOHAMMED A ALSHEHRI
This study explored workplace violence among emergency department nurses and doctors in public hospitals in Saudi Arabia for the first time. Workplace violence is prevalent among nurses and doctors and it has physical, psychological and emotional impact. There is a lack of safety measures, precautions and management support for victims. Most staff feel vulnerable to violence in the next 12 months of employment. The findings will inform Emergency Department managements and the Ministry of Health about protecting staff. Short and long term workplace violence management plans will have a positive impact on staff, future patient and organisational outcomes.


Principal supervisor

Virginia Margaret Plummer

Additional supervisor 1

Paul Jennings

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

School of Nursing and Midwifery

Campus location



Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences