Version 2 2019-03-20, 21:13Version 2 2019-03-20, 21:13
Version 1 2019-03-20, 04:01Version 1 2019-03-20, 04:01
posted on 2019-03-20, 21:13authored byTEMMA CARRUTHERS-TAYLOR
This thesis investigates alternative ways to use two food and beverage wastes. Coffee wastes were used in extractions, as well as in plant growth trials using two agricultural soils. Plant growth experiments revealed a complex interaction between soils and the amendment. Anaerobic digestates, the by-product of anaerobic digestion, that was sourced from food waste was used in soil column trials. These results showed digestates as potential amendments to sandy soils by providing plant essential nutrients. All experiments were practical in order to best inform the realistic use of both waste materials.