Monash University

We Thought We Had The Power: An Inquiry Into The Role of Teacher Knowledge in the Development of the VCE English Study Design 1986-1990

posted on 2019-06-12, 01:16 authored by Helen Howells
The primary aim of this inquiry is to present an account of the development of the English Study Design for the Victorian Certificate of Education, a major curriculum reform in Victorian post compulsory education. The Design was developed between November 1986 and August 1990. As convener of the Field of Study Committee (FOSC) which was set up to develop the English Study, I experienced at first hand the way a curriculum project can be both an educational and political exercise. It was my belief that the development of the Study Design was a significant part of curriculum history in Victoria and that writing an account of those four turbulent years for English teachers and the English teaching profession was worth doing.[…]


Year of Award


Department, School or Centre


Additional Institution or Organisation

Applied Sciences and Engineering


Master of Education

Degree Type



Faculty of Education

File Name
