Monash University

Tunable Wettability of Graphene Nanostructures in Two-Phase Heat Transfer Applications

posted on 2022-01-23, 17:57 authored by CHANG SHENG LIM
Due to the ever-increasing thermal challenges in advanced technologies, particularly in miniaturized electronics, I proposed the application of graphene-based coatings to tackle the device overheating issue. Knowing that the surface wetting state greatly affects the heat dissipation of any device, a simple and economical way is strategized to tune the surface wetting properties of graphene-based coatings. With a desirable wetting state applied onto the surface of the device, an extraordinary improvement in heat dissipation is achieved through water cooling. The findings in this study are anticipated to contribute greatly to the field of surface science, thermal engineering, and electronics heat management.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Hung Yew Mun

Additional supervisor 1

Lau Ee Von

Additional supervisor 2

Kee Kok Eng

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

School of Engineering (Monash University Malaysia)


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Engineering