Translation, validation and adaptation of the time use diary from English language into the Malay language version for use in Malaysia
Version 2 2017-05-18, 04:16Version 2 2017-05-18, 04:16
Version 1 2017-02-21, 01:36Version 1 2017-02-21, 01:36
posted on 2017-05-18, 04:16authored byAsmuri, Siti Noraini Binti
Background: Occupational therapy intervention aims to improve the ability of clients to participate in their daily life activities including self-care tasks, leisure, work and social participation. Time spent in all of these activities will identify their level of occupational performance. Given the unique characteristics of time use, to know how people spend their time is a way of understanding how illness, disability or impairment may impact their occupational performance in everyday life.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to translate, adapt and validate the Time Use Diary from its current English language version into a Malay language version and to pilot test the translatedMalay version in a Malaysian context.
Method: A translation method was adopted based on cross-cultural adaptation guidelines. Writtenpermission was obtained from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the copyright holder of the TimeUse Diary, to translate it from English into the Malay language. The steps involved in the
translation process were: i) the translation from English language version into a Malay languageversion, ii) synthesis of the translated Malay version, iii) back-translation from the Malay language version into the English language version by three bilingual speakers of English and Malay, iv) expert committee review and discussion, and v) pilot testing of the translated Malay version of the demographic form and the Time Use Diary in a Malaysian context.
Results: This cross cultural adaptation study involved 46 elderly participants that included 25 community dwelling older adults from Kluang Senior Citizen's Day Care Centre and a total of 21institutional dwelling older adults from government Nursing Homes in Malaysia. Data werecollected from July 2014- August 2014. Participants completed two forms, a demographicquestionnaire and the Time Use Diary. Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 19.0 for Windows was used for the analysis of the data. Participants were equally distributed by gender; the majority of participants were Malays. Construct validity was evaluated using Pearson r coefficients to examine the association between the two groups' responses. On the Time Use Diary, there were significant associations between weekdays and weekends for the activities within the community dwelling older adults. As well, there were associations found between weekdays and weekends for the activities that institutional dwelling older adults took part in. Reliability of the translated version of the Time Use Diary was evaluated using Cronbach's alpha. The internal consistency coefficients ranged from 0.02 to 0.99. There was a significant difference found between the elderly participants from the community centre and those residing in the nursing homes for the purpose of doing the activity and the time that they spent with family, friends and community members during weekdays and the time that they spent with family, self, friends and community members during weekends.
Conclusion: The translated Malay version of the Time Use Diary demonstrated the ability toidentify changes in the pattern of activities and differences between elderly participants from acommunity centre and those who reside in a nursing home. Hence, the findings of the studyindicated that the translated Malay version of the Time Use Diary is a reliable and valid tool and
appears to be suitable for use in a Malaysian context.