Monash University

Translating functional characteristics of dietary fibre to clinical value in patients with irritable bowel syndrome

posted on 2021-07-26, 04:34 authored by DANIEL SO
Irritable bowel syndrome is a common disorder with symptoms of abdominal pain and compromised gut functioning. Some types of dietary fibre may help improve aspects of gut function but may also worsen symptoms. We identified two specific fibres, one from sugarcane and another from corn, with characteristics potentially suitable for these patients. We then showed that these fibres, when used together with a common therapeutic diet (low FODMAP diet), were well-tolerated and improved multiple aspects of gut function. Additionally, using novel technologies, we showed the fibres changed how the gut bacteria behaved in different areas of the colon.


Principal supervisor

Jane Muir

Additional supervisor 1

Peter Gibson

Additional supervisor 2

CK Yao

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Central Clinical School

Campus location



Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences