Monash University

Through Good and Bad Times: The Role of Perceived Responsiveness on Malaysian Relationship Quality Indicators, Satisfaction, and Depressive Symptoms

posted on 2023-03-21, 05:48 authored by PRISCILLA MARIA DE NETTO
Given the implications of romantic love for well-being, it is pivotal to examine what will keep love alive or hold it back. This study explored perceived partner responsiveness (PPR), examining negative and positive communication processes through: (1) adversities (perceived partner support), (2) triumphs (capitalization), and (3) conflicts (accommodation) to disentangle their unique associations on relationship well-being and depressive symptoms for unmarried and married Malaysian relationships. PPR positively predicted relationship outcomes and depressive symptoms; however, PPR operated differently based on the partners' culture and relationship type. Conclusively, the perception of a partner’s understanding, validation, and care are integral to healthy relationships.


Principal supervisor

Quek Kia Fatt

Additional supervisor 1

Karen Jennifer Golden

Additional supervisor 2

Elizabeth Jones

Additional supervisor 3

Shelly Gable

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Jeffrey Cheah School of Medicine and Health Sciences (Monash University Malaysia)

Campus location



Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences