Monash University

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The transition to adulthood: Experiences and perspectives of Australian Sudanese and South Sudanese youth in Melbourne, Australia

posted on 2020-07-29, 06:56 authored by LUKE WILLIAM EDWARD MACAULAY
This research explored the experiences and perspectives of Australian Sudanese and South Sudanese youth regarding their transition to adulthood in Melbourne, Australia. The findings of this study suggest that these young people view this transition as being based on internally self-ascribed character traits and values, with the purpose of being able to contribute within one’s collective community. However, these views were found to also be influenced by contextual factors in Australia, such as discrimination and diminished opportunities, which may create barriers to a perceived successful transition to adulthood for these youths.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Joanne Marie Deppeler

Additional supervisor 1

Joseph Agbenyega

Additional supervisor 2

Christine Grove

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre



Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Education