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The role of T cells in health and disease

posted on 2024-07-01, 06:07 authored by PETER JAMES EGGENHUIZEN
T-cells respond to antigens from infections or vaccinations. Dysfunction in differentiating foreign antigens from self-antigens can result in autoimmune disease. This work uncovers disease-targeting T cell receptors and their use as a T-regulatory cell therapy targeting autoimmune diseases; lupus, Goodpasture’s disease and inflammatory bowel disease. Also, the ability of antigen-specific T-cells to cross-react to different infections or vaccinations is explored in COVID-19. This work uncovered the cross-reactive T-cell potential between unrelated vaccine or pathogen antigens and COVID-19. This research furthers the understanding of T-cells in health and disease while offering Tregs as a treatment for autoimmune conditions.


Principal supervisor

Joshua Daniel King Ooi

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Medicine - Monash Health


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences