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The History of the Mount Ophir Winery and Vineyard at Rutherglen
posted on 2019-02-19, 23:58authored byRobert Annells Evans
This thesis is a narrative history of the Mount Ophir winery and vineyard at Rutherglen, Victoria from 1893 to its closure in 1955, with brief references to subsequent events including a brief revival in connection with the wine industry in the 1970s. Mount Ophir was acquired in 1893 by an English firm of wine merchants, P.B.Burgoyne & Co, who extended the building to its present dimensions by 1904. Burgoyne & Co's investment was large enough to enable them to bring significant economies of scale to Mount Ophir, and by obtaining fruit from a wide group of local growers as well as the estate vineyard, the firm was able to produce wine of consistent quality. Burgoyne & Co exported almost all of Mount Ophir's production to the United Kingdom, where they were one of the leading firms in the trade in Australian wines […]
Year of Award
Department, School or Centre
School of Philosophical, Historical & International Studies