Monash University

The Experiential Model of the Person-Centred Record: a social constructionist grounded theory

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posted on 2018-07-26, 05:16 authored by Joanne MihelcicJoanne Mihelcic
The objective of this research was to explore the co-creation of person-centred records, to support memory, identity and personhood, with the person diagnosed with early stage dementia. This thesis describes the design of a second generation grounded theory methodology and applied archival research. With its postmodern, continuum and social constructionist influences second generation grounded theory sees a shift in how we understand the researcher’s interaction with participants in a study. It highlights the way relationships between researcher, participant and research data are both inseparable and the product of their combined interactions. Hearing and knowing participant voices requires methods and techniques sensitive not only to researcher and participants’ words, but also their inherent meaning and actions. A unique repertoire of interview techniques was undertaken with participants, to understand their experiences of memory, identity and personhood, in the context of early stage dementia. The interview process facilitated co-creating vignettes of stories which were centred on the person and their perspectives of life. Reviewing the vignettes with the participants facilitated exploration of the stories and meaning captured in these records of self. The recorded stories and the processes for co-creating records of these stories were analysed using a social constructionist lens; to develop new theory and knowledge about the potential ways in which these records may support stories of self and personhood. The main contribution of this research was the development of a social constructionist theory of the Experiential Model of the Person-Centred Record. This is an integrative theory which describes the person-centred records as a particular type of record informed by theories of personhood and person-centred practice. Other outcomes of this research include: 1 Contribution to research methodology and applied archival research : Designing a second generation grounded theory and innovative methods and techniques suited to the needs of working with people and their data. 2 Contribution to archival theory : Application of the social constructionist lens, drawn from psychology and social psychology, for the study of interpersonal and social processes. 3 Contribution to practice : This research is significant to the archival discipline as it creates an exemplar of reflexive and ethical practice involved in working within new and emergent problem spaces. Additional material(s) submitted with thesis.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Sue McKemmish

Additional supervisor 1

Cheryle Moss

Additional supervisor 2

Joanne Evans

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Information Technology (Monash University Clayton)

Degree Type



Faculty of Information Technology