Monash University

Supervisor perspectives of influences upon their assessments of Australian dermatology trainees

posted on 2017-02-16, 03:46 authored by Scarff, Catherine Elizabeth
Assessment is an important part of medical education and many formats for this exist. In training assessments are one such example and they serve to provide feedback to learners about their performance during a period of clinical attachment. However many factors in addition to trainee knowledge and performance can affect the assessment they are given. Both external and internal influences are known to affect supervisors' assessments. This study investigated supervisors in the Australasian College of Dermatologist's perspectives upon their assessments of Australian dermatology trainees. An anonymous survey was used to discover their perspectives. A response rate of 40% was achieved. Supervisors reported that external influences such as logistical issues were not of great significance to them. While the importance of providing feedback to trainees and reporting underperformance was appreciated and the SIT A's ability to provide this appreciated, limitations to the use of the tool were also noted. This included impediments due to misunderstandings of its use and lack of honesty in completion. Many supervisors were mindful of the consequences of a negative assessment and possible impacts of this on relationships with them and many expressed the desire for a collaborative approach to assessment. Potential implications for practice are discussed.


Principal supervisor


Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Health Professions Education and Educational Research (HealthPEER)

Campus location



Master of Health Professional Education

Degree Type



Faculty of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences