Monash University

Stratigraphic and structural development in the Coral Sea Megasequence exposed at the Aure Scarp, Papua New Guinea

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posted on 2023-02-16, 01:14 authored by George James Carman.

The Aure Fault escarpment in the eastern Papuan Basin of Papua New Guinea exposes a 2000 metre stratigraphic section that includes an 800 metre thick section of Coral Sea Megasequence not previously seen in the basin. It includes the syn-rift, Pale Sandstone of Campanian age whose deposition was controlled by extensional movements on the Aure Fault. The structure of the Aure Fault and its hangingwall and footwall plates suggest five episodes of structural movements.  Two Mesozoic extensional phases influenced sedimentary palaeogeography but the style of Tertiary shortening and reverse faulting was then controlled by facies variations in the Coral Sea Megasequence. During the Pliocene the Aure Fault has uplifted over 3000 metres. Its 90+ ma episodic history, influencing depositional patterns to this day makes the Aure Fault an important transverse fault which may have important economic implications to petroleum explorers.

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Author requested conversion to open access 15 Feb 2023


Campus location


Principal supervisor

David Gray

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Earth, Atmosphere and Environment

Additional Institution or Organisation

Department of Earth Sciences


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Science

File Name


Author converted thesis to Open Access
