Monash University

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Stability Control of Biped Robot on Static and Dynamic Platforms Based on Hybrid Reinforcement Learning

posted on 2020-12-09, 23:46 authored by AO XI
In this work, we proposed a novel Hybrid Reinforcement Learning algorithm that incorporates the model-based reinforcement learning scheme with the model-free reinforcement learning framework, where the sample efficiency was improved while still retaining the desired control performance. The proposed learning framework was successfully applied to a complex biped robot model, where the robot was able to maintain balance on a rotating platform. Experiment results also showed that the proposed algorithm was able to generate stable walking gaits for the robot to walk on both static and dynamic platforms without falling down.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Chao Chen

Additional supervisor 1

Dacheng Tao

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Engineering