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Spiritual Povera

posted on 2022-07-25, 05:49 authored by KATHERINE REBECCA BOTTEN

My artwork-thesis responds to R.D. Laing’s “The Divided Self”; the theory-journey that schizophrenia is reversible. Laing states that by listening to schizophrenics the core wound can be found, that is a catalyst of behaviours created by the schizophrenic (as artist) to hide inside - “the false-self system”. “Ontological insecurity” describes the conditions needed for maladaptive mechanisms to unfold; an element in my practice, and those in my subcultural scene, embodied by “Spiritual Povera”. Written in experimental non and auto-fiction. Liang talks about patients like artworks; I talk about people like patients, artworks, symptoms, signs and clues to psychic and spiritual blocks.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Fiona Macdonald

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Fine Art


Master of Fine Art

Degree Type



Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture