Monash University

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Social Enterprise Development in Nigeria: Harnessing the Opportunities for Impact Investing

posted on 2021-07-12, 06:22 authored by Irimiya Arigu Emmanuel
This study investigates how innovative investors referred to as social enterprises (SEs) and impact investors (IIs) collaborate in emerging country context. The two organisations became popular after the global financial crises. They aim to address complex societal challenges sustainably where traditional organisations have failed. Despite their global relevance, there are limited studies on how they collaborate. In-depth interviews of SEs connected to IIs in Nigeria revealed they collaborate under similar goals, motivated by effective deployment of different types of resources for common good. The study contributes new knowledge on types of resources defining the exchange value between hybrid organisations.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Ramanie Samaratunge

Additional supervisor 1

Daniel Prajogo

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre


Additional Institution or Organisation

Department of Management


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Business and Economics