Monash University

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Regulation & Function of Reactive Astrocytes in the Primate Brain: A Novel Role for NogoA

posted on 2019-10-09, 04:30 authored by ANTHONY GEORGE BOGHDADI
This thesis explores the regulation and function of injury-responsive support cells in the brain after injury. It demonstrates that age-dependent differences in support cell regulation are responsible for the better capacity for younger brains to recover after brain injuries, compared to adults. It also identifies a never before described link between these support cells and a major blocker of brain repair, contributing to suppressing inflammation following stroke. These findings have clinical implications for the development and testing of treatment strategies for brain injuries.


Principal supervisor

James Bourne

Additional supervisor 1

Leon Teo

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI)

Additional Institution or Organisation

Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute

Campus location



Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences