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Reflective Practice in South Sulawesi, Indonesia: The Case of Secondary School Teachers from Bugis Ethnic Group

posted on 2017-05-29, 00:29 authored by ANDI ARMAWADJIDAH MARZUKI
This study is a visual ethnography that investigated how secondary school teachers from the Bugis ethnic group in South Sulawesi were engaging in reflective practice (RP). The objective of the study was to explore how the ways of knowing and doing of the Bugis accommodate the western concept of reflection.The findings of the study identified that 1) Mappanrung-panrung as the Bugis ways of knowing and doing could potentially be significant for the RP of the seven Bugis participants; 2) Pangadereng values as the Bugis ways of knowing and doing, however, could act as barriers to the participants’ attempts at being reflective practitioners.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

David Zyngier

Additional supervisor 1

Marianne Turner

Additional supervisor 2

Graham Parr

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre


Additional Institution or Organisation

Makassar State University


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Education