Refinement and Development of the Lakaev Academic Stress Response Scale-2 (LASRS-2) for Research, Clinical and Educational Settings using Rasch Analysis
The Lakaev Academic Stress Response Scale-2 (LASRS-2) psychometric tool has been developed through Rasch Modeling so that researchers, clinicians and educators can screen, assess and monitor tertiary level students suffering academic stress. Gender Invariance Testing was implemented. A Provisional Therapeutic-cut-off-score and Optimal-cut-off-points was developed. A Rasch Keyform for practitioners was derived to help interpret the LASRS-2 measurement instrument when there are anomalous presentations or missing data. A LASRS-2 Domain Diagnostic Tool for the Affective, Behavioural, Cognitive and Physiological Domains. Finally, the Demographics were subjected to statistical analysis to compare differing educational level, cultural groups, faculties and gender.