Protecting our planet and our population: the policy response of local governments to facilitate the uptake of healthy and sustainable diet-related practices
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Version 1 2023-02-06, 12:36Version 1 2023-02-06, 12:36
posted on 2023-02-13, 00:31authored byLIZA RENAE BARBOUR
Our global food system is responsible for nourishing current and future generations.
However, humans have shaped this system into one that depletes natural resources, contributes to climate change and causes poor health outcomes.
Liza’s research focused on the role that each of us can play in transforming this food system, by changing the way we eat.
Bold policy action at all levels of government is urgently needed to enable a population-wide shift to healthy, environmentally sustainable diets.
Liza studied policies led by those at the local government level. She identified examples of best-practice internationally, and examined one Australian example closely.