Monash University

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Point of Care Diagnostic Device and Wearable Sensors Based on Bifunctional Nanoparticle

posted on 2018-11-01, 03:43 authored by LIM WEI YAP
This thesis focus on the design, fabrication and application of bifunctional particles in point of care diagnostic and wearable electronics. The bifunctional particles has shown its potential in improving the point of care diagnostic device in terms of immunoassay time, efficiency and specificity in a microfluidic environment. The bifunctional particles was also demonstrated in the fabrication of wearable sensors with pressure sensing, strain sensing, magnetic field sensing and wind sensing ability. Finally, miniaturized electronics were combined with the wearable sensors to open a route for fabrication of truly wearable device.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Wenlong Cheng

Additional supervisor 1

Yonggang Zhu

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Chemical & Biological Engineering

Additional Institution or Organisation

Chemical Engineering


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Engineering