Monash University

Performance Testing Approach to Improve Scalability of Web Services by Addressing Web services Anomalies

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posted on 2021-08-12, 05:41 authored by MUHAMMAD HASNAIN MALIK
Web services evolution needs modification, updating or integration with other web services. Despite several studies introducing regression testing techniques, much remains to be learned about the performance anomalies, their prediction and detection in web services. This thesis also explores how web services clients show their satisfaction regarding the response to their requests without any delay. This thesis has proposed a performance regression testing approach, and designs workload scenarios for the detection of response code metrics. An average performance measuring (APM) metric is also proposed to empirically evaluate the performance regression testing approach.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Muhammad Fermi Pasha

Additional supervisor 1

Lim Chern Hong

Additional supervisor 2

Imran Ghani

Additional supervisor 3


Additional supervisor 4


Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

School of Information Technology (Monash University Malaysia)


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Information Technology