Monash University

Our Mabel. Our Voice: Through Life Story One Aboriginal Family Writes for Self-Love, Justice and Reconciliation

posted on 2024-09-09, 03:38 authored by Jacinta Lee Walsh
Jacinta is a Jaru Yawuru women with Irish and English heritage and proud mother to three young men. Jacinta’s PhD thesis is a living and breathing oral history documenting seven generations of her family’s Aboriginal bloodline and centering the life of her great-grandmother Mabel Ita Eatts, (née Frederick), a Jaru woman and a Stolen Generations survivor born in 1907. This thesis intentionally echoes the voices of many First Nations families who have and continue to look deeply into living memory, Country, the archives, and the scholarship of others, to remember their ancestral lineage and love for themselves. Jacinta advocates for First Nations family standpoints inside of the Academy, their access to all the archives that relate to them, and intergeneration heart-felt, truth-telling, reconciliation, and healing through life story research and writing.


Principal supervisor

Lynette Russell

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

School of Philosophical, Historical & International Studies


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Arts