Monash University

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Optimising Antimicrobial Therapy in Renal Impairment

posted on 2018-09-27, 06:05 authored by KATRINA WAI YUN HUI
This thesis investigates the use of antibiotics in people who have kidney failure and are receiving haemodialysis. This thesis identifies common antibiotics prescribed and aspects of antibiotic prescribing, such as dose and dosing frequency selection, which could be improved in this patient population. Appropriate dosage regimens for vancomycin and amoxycillin/clavulanic acid for patients receiving haemodialysis were also developed through the use of computer-based modelling and simulation. These findings can be used to guide the use and dosing of antibiotics in people receiving haemodialysis in order to improve patient outcomes.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Carl Kirkpatrick

Additional supervisor 1

David Kong

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Centre for Medicine Use and Safety (CMUS)


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences