Monash University

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Modeling of Laser Directed Energy Deposition

posted on 2021-08-27, 06:05 authored by Chaitanya Vundru
Laser directed energy deposition is a promising additive manufacturing technique that has a huge potential in remanufacturing and restoration of high-value aerospace components. For sustainable repair, it is necessary to control the output parameters, such as deposition geometry and integrity in terms of residual stresses, dilution, defects, and distortion. Consequently, this thesis aims at understanding and modeling various physical phenomena underlying the laser deposition process to determine the quality and integrity of the deposition. A novel comprehensive modeling approach for both single track and multi-track deposition has been developed that captures the process accurately.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Wenyi Yan

Additional supervisor 1

Ramesh Singh

Additional supervisor 2

Shyamprasad Karagadde

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Doctor of Philosophy (IITB-Monash)

Degree Type



Faculty of Engineering