This thesis focuses
on probabilistic interference modelling in wireless communication networks. In particular, we consider uplink cellular networks that
deploy base stations (BS) equipped with a single antenna, a linear antenna array, or a
planar antenna array. The thesis covers interference distribution modelling under the three BS
antenna deployment scenarios. The interference is determined by the locations of the
interferers, and presents various features as the BS antenna arrangement varies.
We first study a cellular network deploying single-antenna
BSs under the topic Poisson cellular networks. We resort to this mathematical tool to
capture the fluctuation of the number of users in a certain area. The spatial blocking
probability is studied. More importantly, it enables us to characterise the
distance-dependent interference, and also the signal-to-interference related system performance metrics
such as coverage probability.
We then consider a system deploying a large linear antenna
array at the BS, under the topic 2D beamforming. The beamforming antenna pattern is
incorporated into the interference modelling, such that the interference is determined by the
direction as well as the distance of the interferer. We develop a novel approach to characterise
the direction-dependent interference by investigating a system under pure LoS / Rician fading
channels with perfect uplink power control. The coverage probability and rate are also
studied. Next we study a system under pure LoS channels without power control. With the aid
of stochastic geometry, we present an interference model considering both the direction
and the distance of the interferer.
Next we move on to the topic 3D beamforming to investigate
the interference with a large planar antenna array. The users are located in a 3D
cell, hence the direction of a user is more complicated. The geometry of the cell also becomes
relevant in the interference analysis. We first study a scenario where a horizontal planar
array in the sky provides service to the users on the ground. A model is proposed to describe
the interference determined by the user’s direction in the 3D space. Then we consider a
cell where a vertical planar array communicates to users on different floors. The interference incorporating both the 3D direction and the distance is characterised, and applied to
the coverage and rate analysis.