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Locating Women’s Right to Food in Development Work: A Critical Examination of the Asian Development Bank’s Policies and Practices

posted on 2023-03-21, 01:44 authored by LEAVIDES CABARRUBIAS
This thesis critically examines the degree to which the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB’s) operations are compatible with, and informed by, women’s right to food. ADB’s policies and practices are analysed using the right to food framework, as informed by a substantive equality perspective conceptualised based on contemporary articulations of equality under international law. ADB’s food security policies and projects—as demonstrated by a case study in the Philippines—do not adequately interrogate and address structural gender inequalities that limit women’s access to food. The thesis demonstrates why it is imperative that ADB’s operations be underpinned by human rights framework.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Mai Sato

Additional supervisor 1

Joanna Kyriakakis

Additional supervisor 2

Heli Askola

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre



Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Law