Monash University

Investigations on Efficacy and Mechanisms of Metalophilic Fungi for Removal of Dyes and Heavy Metals

posted on 2018-06-27, 00:53 authored by SI HUI CHEN
This thesis explores the potential of metal-tolerant fungi to remove toxic metals and triphenylmethane dyes from aqueous solutions. Five fungal isolates from different uncontaminated and metal-contaminated sources revealed varying tolerance levels, adaptability and removal efficacy for metals. The removal process involved biosorption and bioaccumulation mechanisms. Further investigations on lesser studied Penicillium simplicissimum indicated the removal potential of live and dead fungal cells for metals in single solutions as well as dye-metal mixtures. The optimum conditions for metal uptake were also established. The findings suggest that Penicillium simplicissimum is a promising candidate to treat wastewater containing toxic metals and dyes.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Adeline Ting

Additional supervisor 1

Ng Si Ling

Additional supervisor 2

Cheow Yuen Lin

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

School of Sciences (Monash University Malaysia)


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Science