Monash University

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Investigation and Evaluation of Super-Hydrophobic Surfaces for Use in Paper-based Liquid Packaging Materials

posted on 2019-04-29, 00:57 authored by XUE ZHANG
Super-hydrophobic surfaces are of great significance to a wide range of industrial and medical applications. This PhD thesis systematically investigates the engineering principles of applying super-hydrophobic surfaces to making paper-based liquid packaging; it clarifies the possibilities and restrictions of this potential application. This work addresses the significant research gaps in whether paper-based super-hydrophobic packaging materials is a feasible engineering concept and how to characterise super-hydrophobic papers to understand their properties as suitable materials for liquid packaging. The critical engineering requirement of the perceived super-hydrophobic paper-based liquid packaging materials is studied, identifying that super-hydrophobic papers are suitable for short-time contact applications.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Wei Shen

Additional supervisor 1

Liyuan Zhang

Additional supervisor 2

Bin Su

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Chemical & Biological Engineering

Additional Institution or Organisation

Chemical Engineering


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Engineering