Monash University

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Investigating the factors affecting bicycle-car crash severity at intersections using a combination of Newtonian Mechanics and statistical modelling

posted on 2021-07-29, 04:40 authored by SAREH BAHROLOLOOM
A limited number of studies have explored the dynamics of the crash to understand how particular crash scenarios led to more severe injury outcomes for bicyclists. This study addressed this knowledge gap through utilizing a conceptual framework to model the entire bicycle-car crash process. A combination of Newtonian Mechanics and statistical analysis was utilised to develop this theory. Results of this study showed that the addition of kinetic energy of the car before crash and the kinetic energy of the bicycle post-crash had a statistically significant effect on injury severity of bicyclist.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

William Young

Additional supervisor 1

David Logan

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Civil Engineering


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Engineering