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Integrated Biorefinery Concept From Pomegranate Processing Waste

posted on 2020-01-24, 02:33 authored by Sachin Talekar
An integrated biorefinery that incorporates novel and eco-friendly technologies can be developed to produce a range of products from agro-processing waste as diverse as those from fossil resources using petroleum refinery. This ultimately reduces the reliance on dwindling fossil resources, the waste management problem in agro-processing industries and diversify their product portfolio that minimizes the risk of loss. As part of this objective, an integrated biorefinery from pomegranate processing waste was proposed by the application of various green technologies such as enzymatic, hydrothermal, and mechano-aqueous processing to produce high-quality oil, proteins, dietary fibres, pectin, antioxidant phenolics, bioethanol, and carbon material.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Tony Patti

Additional supervisor 1

Amit Arora

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre


Additional Institution or Organisation

IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India


Doctor of Philosophy (IITB-Monash)

Degree Type



Faculty of Science