Monash University

Infectious disease in a changing world: how infection can shape host and pathogen thermal performance

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posted on 2021-03-11, 01:29 authored by TOBIAS EDWARD HECTOR
The consequence of extreme thermal events for hosts and their pathogens is of major importance for population persistence and disease dynamics in light of global change. By integrating the thermal performance of both hosts and pathogens we can better understand how populations will respond to shifts in temperature. My thesis provides multiple lines of evidence that exposure to a pathogen can directly shift a host’s thermal performance. I test how various aspects of host and pathogen thermal performance and disease dynamics may alter a host’s response to thermal stress, and discuss the consequences for population persistence and disease dynamics in the face of global change.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Matthew Hall

Additional supervisor 1

Carla Sgrò

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Biological Sciences


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type