Monash University

Indonesian EFL Teachers in Times of Neoliberal Curriculum Reforms: Professional Practices, Identity and Agency

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posted on 2024-07-24, 23:04 authored by DWI RATNASARI
This study investigates the impact of neoliberal curriculum reforms on Indonesian EFL teacher practices, identity and agency using the Theory of Practice Architectures as the framework and a digital ethnography approach. The research findings reveal the influence of cultural-discursive, material-economic and social-political arrangements on teacher professional practices. Examining teacher identity, the study unveils the multifaceted impact of personal, socio-cultural and political factors on shaping how teachers perceive themselves. Teachers positioned themselves as performative, responsive and critical-reflexive educators based on official representations and self-constructed narratives. The study further delineates various dimensions of teacher agency, exploring its duty-based, resistant and projected enactments.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Alexander Kostogriz

Additional supervisor 1

Ruth Fielding

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

School of Curriculum, Teaching and Inclusive Education


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Education