Monash University

Improving Hospital Patient Flow Management Through Dashboard System Design Using Distributed Situation Awareness

posted on 2025-01-16, 06:54 authored by Dinh Quy Nguyen
This industry-based research project focused on designing and evaluating an interactive dashboard system to enhance hospital patient flow management. The system was developed in response to practical challenges identified within a large Australian healthcare organisation and to address gaps in existing technological solutions. By applying design science methodology and Distributed Situation Awareness theory, the dashboard demonstrated its ability to improve staff awareness and visibility of key patient flow factors. This research provides valuable insights and useful guidelines into information system designs for patient flow management, offering an effective solution and advancing understanding of technology's role in healthcare efficiency.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Michael Wybrow

Additional supervisor 1

Frada Burstein

Additional supervisor 2

David Taylor

Additional supervisor 3

Paul Buntine

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Human Centred Computing

Additional Institution or Organisation

Eastern Health


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Information Technology