Monash University

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Geodynamics of Divergent Triple Junctions and their Complex Rifting

posted on 2022-02-25, 00:21 authored by HANY MOHAMED ABDELGAYED ELSAYED KHALIL
Divergent triple junctions are the most stable configuration among the different triple junctions and occur when three rifts or oceanic ridges converge. While the oceanic triple junctions are stable for a long time, the prior continental rifting stage implies divergence in three directions, yet how it reconciles with the basic tenets of plate tectonics of rifts forming between two separating continents remains unclear. This thesis uses 3D analog and numerical geodynamic modeling techniques to investigate the roles of kinematic boundary conditions and internal lithospheric heterogeneities on propagating rifts, how divergent triple junctions evolve, and their associated complex rift structures.


Campus location


Principal supervisor

Fabio Capitanio

Additional supervisor 1

Alexander Cruden

Year of Award


Department, School or Centre

Earth, Atmosphere and Environment


Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Type



Faculty of Science